Commit cf22b855 authored by Guillaume Quintard's avatar Guillaume Quintard

Remove syntax description from varnishtest man

parent 3a263d94
...@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ If `TMPDIR` is set in the environment, varnishtest creates temporary ...@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ If `TMPDIR` is set in the environment, varnishtest creates temporary
======= =======
The script language used for Varnishtest is not a strictly defined The vtc syntax is documented at length in :ref:`vtc(7)`. Should you want more
language. The best reference for writing scripts is the varnishtest program examples than the one below, you can have a look at the Varnish source code
itself. In the Varnish source code repository, under repository, under `bin/varnishtest/tests/`, where all the regression tests for
`bin/varnishtest/tests/`, all the regression tests for Varnish are kept. Varnish are kept.
An example:: An example::
...@@ -173,156 +173,11 @@ both your VMOD and the built-in VMODs:: ...@@ -173,156 +173,11 @@ both your VMOD and the built-in VMODs::
varnishtest -p vmod_path="$VMOD_PATH" ... varnishtest -p vmod_path="$VMOD_PATH" ...
Creates a mock server that can accept requests from Varnish and send
responses. Accepted parameters:
specifies address and port to listen on (e.g. "")
Creates a client instance that sends requests to Varnish and receives
responses. By default, a client will try and connect to the first
varnish server available.
Accepted parameters:
specify where to connect to (e.g. "-connect ${s1_sock}").
server/client command arguments
\-repeat INT
repeats the commands INT in order
waits for commands to complete
starts the client, and continue without waiting for completion
equivalent to -start then -wait
Starts Varnish instance. Accepted arguments:
\-arg STRING
passes additional arguments to varnishd
executes a command in CLI of running instance
executes a command and expect it return OK status
executes a command and expect it to error with given status
(e.g. "-clierr 300 panic.clear")
\-vcl STRING
specify VCL for the instance. You can create multiline strings by
encasing them in curly braces.
\-vcl+backend STRING
specifes VCL for the instance, and automatically inject backends
definition of currently defined servers.
tests that invalid VCL results in an error.
stops the instance
waits for the varnish child to stop
waits for the varnish child to start
waits for varnish to stop
sets up a test for asserting variables against expected results.
Syntax: "-expect <var> <comparison> <const>"
See tests supplied with Varnish distribution for usage examples for all
these directives.
Sleeps for specified number of seconds.
Usage: ``delay FLOAT``
Accepts a string as an only argument. This being a test name that is being
output into the log. By default, test name is not shown, unless it fails.
Executes a shell command. Accepts one argument as a string, and runs
the command as is.
Usage: ``shell "CMD"``
Usage: ``err_shell "STRING" "CMD"``
Usage: ``barrier NAME [arguments]``
Initializes random generator (need to call std.random() in vcl). See
m00002.vtc for more info.
Checks for features to be present in the test environment. If feature
is not present, test is skipped.
Usage: ``feature STRING [STRING...]``
Possible checks:
The SO_RCVTIMEO socket option is working
The environment is 64 bits
The environment is not OSX
DNS lookups are working
varnishtest has been started with '-i'
varnishtest has been invoked by the root user
The varnish user is present
The vcache user is present
The varnish group is present
This allows checking order and contents of VSL records in varnishtest.
======== ========
* varnishtest source code repository with tests * varnishtest source code repository with tests
* :ref:`vtc(7)`
* :ref:`varnishhist(1)` * :ref:`varnishhist(1)`
* :ref:`varnishlog(1)` * :ref:`varnishlog(1)`
* :ref:`varnishncsa(1)` * :ref:`varnishncsa(1)`
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