Unverified Commit d36fcf29 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune Committed by Nils Goroll

vtc: Print the VRE error message

It's more helpful than printing the invalid regular expression, that's
how the spurious "\T" was spotted.
parent cb44f348
......@@ -157,8 +157,9 @@ cmd_shell_engine(struct vtclog *vl, int ok, const char *cmd,
if (re != NULL) {
vre = VRE_compile(re, 0, &errptr, &err);
if (vre == NULL)
vtc_fatal(vl, "shell_match invalid regexp (\"%s\")",
"shell_match invalid regexp (\"%s\" at %d)",
errptr, err);
VSB_printf(vsb, "exec 2>&1 ; %s", cmd);
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