Commit d6a7f317 authored by Lasse Karstensen's avatar Lasse Karstensen

Cache-Control: no-cache and friends is honored.

The builtin VCL supports this now. Since so many noticed this missing
in 3.0, I think it should be mentioned.
parent 755a6c53
......@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ req.* used to be available in `vcl_fetch`, but after the split of functionality,
vcl_* reserved
Any custom-made subs cannot be named 'vcl_*' anymore. This namespace is reserved for builtin subs.
Any custom-made subs cannot be named 'vcl_*' anymore. This namespace is
reserved for builtin subs.
req.backend.healthy replaced by std.healthy(req.backend)
......@@ -87,8 +88,19 @@ req.backend.healthy replaced by std.healthy(req.backend)
obj is now read-only
`obj` is now read-only. `obj.hits`, if enabled in VCL, now counts per objecthead,
not per object. `obj.last_use` has been retired.
`obj` is now read-only. `obj.hits`, if enabled in VCL, now counts per
objecthead, not per object. `obj.last_use` has been retired.
default/builtin VCL changes
The VCL code that is appended to user-configured VCL automatically is now
called the builtin VCL. (previously default.vcl)
The builtin VCL now honors Cache-Control: no-cache (and friends) to indicate
uncacheable content from the backend.
Changes to parameters
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