Commit de0ad935 authored by Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar Poul-Henning Kamp

Version the reserved word symbols to VCL41+

Spotted by: Dridi
parent 3c5fc326
......@@ -347,14 +347,16 @@ typedef void parse_f(struct vcc *tl);
static struct toplev {
const char *name;
parse_f *func;
unsigned vcllo;
unsigned vclhi;
} toplev[] = {
{ "acl", vcc_ParseAcl },
{ "sub", vcc_ParseFunction },
{ "backend", vcc_ParseBackend },
{ "probe", vcc_ParseProbe },
{ "import", vcc_ParseImport },
{ "vcl", vcc_ParseVcl },
{ "default", NULL },
{ "acl", vcc_ParseAcl, VCL_41, VCL_HIGH },
{ "sub", vcc_ParseFunction, VCL_41, VCL_HIGH },
{ "backend", vcc_ParseBackend, VCL_41, VCL_HIGH },
{ "probe", vcc_ParseProbe, VCL_41, VCL_HIGH },
{ "import", vcc_ParseImport, VCL_41, VCL_HIGH },
{ "vcl", vcc_ParseVcl, VCL_41, VCL_HIGH },
{ "default", NULL, VCL_41, VCL_HIGH },
......@@ -432,5 +434,5 @@ vcc_Parse_Init(struct vcc *tl)
struct toplev *tp;
for (tp = toplev; tp->name != NULL; tp++)
AN(VCC_MkSym(tl, tp->name, SYM_NONE, VCL_LOW, VCL_HIGH));
AN(VCC_MkSym(tl, tp->name, SYM_NONE, tp->vcllo, tp->vclhi));
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