Commit e6b8660a authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Document the non-effect of TCP-related -p params on UDS in

Upgrading to 6.0.
parent 9aae4c63
......@@ -12,7 +12,18 @@ XXX ...
varnishd parameters
XXX: ... terse overview, use refs to link to details ...
XXX: ...
The parameters :ref:`ref_param_tcp_keepalive_intvl`,
:ref:`ref_param_tcp_keepalive_probes` and
:ref:`ref_param_tcp_keepalive_time` are silently ignored for listen
address that are Unix domain sockets. The parameters
:ref:`ref_param_accept_filter` and :ref:`ref_param_tcp_fastopen`
(which your platform may or may not support in the first place) almost
certainly have no effect on a UDS. It is not an error to use any of
these parameters with a UDS; you may get error messages in the log for
``accept_filter`` or ``tcp_fastopen`` (with the VSL tag ``Error`` in
raw grouping), but they are harmless.
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