Commit ed36b638 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

Defer the illegal write check a bit

After the initial discussion from #3163, and looking more closely at how
variable access is handled in subroutines I noticed a discrepancy.

Setting a read only variable like obj.ttl in vcl_recv would result in
a misleading error message explaining that it is read only, instead of
simply not available.

This change defers the illegal write check, registering unconditionally
that the symbol was used in a set action. As a result we always get the
correct error message but depending on whether this is happening in a
vcl_ or custom subroutine we may either get "in subroutine" or "from
subroutine" in the error message. A minor discrepancy probably worth
getting rid of the prior inconsistency.

This is covered by the v21 test case.
parent df4804b9
......@@ -2,14 +2,26 @@ varnishtest "VCL compiler coverage test: vcc_xref.c vcc_var.c vcc_symb.c"
varnish v1 -errvcl {Variable is read only.} {
backend b { .host = ""; }
sub vcl_recv { set obj.ttl = 1 w; }
sub vcl_deliver { set obj.ttl = 1 w; }
varnish v1 -errvcl {Variable is read only.} {
backend b { .host = ""; }
sub foo { set obj.ttl = 1 w; }
sub vcl_recv { call foo ; }
sub vcl_deliver { call foo; }
varnish v1 -errvcl {Not available in subroutine 'vcl_recv'.} {
backend b { .host = ""; }
sub vcl_recv { set obj.ttl = 1 w; }
varnish v1 -errvcl {Not available from subroutine 'vcl_recv'.} {
backend b { .host = ""; }
sub foo { set obj.ttl = 1 w; }
sub vcl_recv { call foo; }
varnish v1 -errvcl "Symbol not found" {
......@@ -127,15 +127,8 @@ vcc_act_set(struct vcc *tl, struct token *t, struct symbol *sym)
if (sym->w_methods == 0) {
vcc_ErrWhere2(tl, t, tl->t);
if (sym->r_methods != 0)
VSB_printf(tl->sb, "Variable is read only.\n");
VSB_printf(tl->sb, "Variable cannot be set.\n");
vcc_AddUses(tl, t, tl->t, sym, XREF_WRITE);
type = sym->type;
for (ap = assign; ap->type != VOID; ap++) {
if (ap->type != type)
......@@ -139,6 +139,9 @@ vcc_AddUses(struct vcc *tl, const struct token *t1, const struct token *t2,
WRONG("wrong xref use");
VTAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&tl->curproc->uses, pu, list);
if (pu->mask == 0)
......@@ -251,13 +254,40 @@ vcc_CheckAction(struct vcc *tl)
static struct procuse *
vcc_FindIllegalUse(const struct proc *p, const struct method *m)
vcc_illegal_write(struct vcc *tl, struct procuse *pu, const struct method *m)
struct procuse *pu;
VTAILQ_FOREACH(pu, &p->uses, list)
if (pu->mask || pu->use != XREF_WRITE)
return (NULL);
if (pu->sym->r_methods == 0) {
vcc_ErrWhere2(tl, pu->t1, pu->t2);
VSB_printf(tl->sb, "Variable cannot be set.\n");
return (NULL);
if (!(pu->sym->r_methods & m->bitval)) {
pu->use = XREF_READ; /* NB: change the error message. */
return (pu);
vcc_ErrWhere2(tl, pu->t1, pu->t2);
VSB_printf(tl->sb, "Variable is read only.\n");
return (NULL);
static struct procuse *
vcc_FindIllegalUse(struct vcc *tl, const struct proc *p, const struct method *m)
struct procuse *pu, *pw;
VTAILQ_FOREACH(pu, &p->uses, list) {
pw = vcc_illegal_write(tl, pu, m);
if (tl->err)
return (pw);
if (!(pu->mask & m->bitval))
return (pu);
return (NULL);
......@@ -268,7 +298,7 @@ vcc_CheckUseRecurse(struct vcc *tl, const struct proc *p,
struct proccall *pc;
struct procuse *pu;
pu = vcc_FindIllegalUse(p, m);
pu = vcc_FindIllegalUse(tl, p, m);
if (pu != NULL) {
vcc_ErrWhere2(tl, pu->t1, pu->t2);
VSB_printf(tl->sb, "%s from subroutine '%s'.\n",
......@@ -278,6 +308,8 @@ vcc_CheckUseRecurse(struct vcc *tl, const struct proc *p,
vcc_ErrWhere(tl, p->name);
return (1);
if (tl->err)
return (1);
VTAILQ_FOREACH(pc, &p->calls, list) {
if (vcc_CheckUseRecurse(tl, pc->sym->proc, m)) {
VSB_printf(tl->sb, "\n...called from \"%.*s\"\n",
......@@ -299,7 +331,7 @@ vcc_checkuses(struct vcc *tl, const struct symbol *sym)
if (p->method == NULL)
pu = vcc_FindIllegalUse(p, p->method);
pu = vcc_FindIllegalUse(tl, p, p->method);
if (pu != NULL) {
vcc_ErrWhere2(tl, pu->t1, pu->t2);
VSB_printf(tl->sb, "%s in subroutine '%.*s'.",
......@@ -307,6 +339,7 @@ vcc_checkuses(struct vcc *tl, const struct symbol *sym)
VSB_cat(tl->sb, "\nAt: ");
if (vcc_CheckUseRecurse(tl, p, p->method)) {
"\n...which is the \"%s\" subroutine\n", p->method->name);
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