Commit f125f379 authored by Per Buer's avatar Per Buer

Making the user guide more user guidery

parent b31835c4
......@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ page - ref:`reference-vcl`.
Using In-line C to extend Varnish
(Here there be dragons)
You can use *in-line C* to extend Varnish. Please note that you can
seriously mess up Varnish this way. The C code runs within the Varnish
Cache process so if your code generates a segfault the cache will crash.
......@@ -37,27 +39,3 @@ One of the first uses I saw of In-line C was logging to syslog.::
Edge Side Includes
Varnish can cache create web pages by putting different pages
together. These *fragments* can have individual cache policies. If you
have a web site with a list showing the 5 most popular articles on
your site, this list can probably be cached as a fragment and included
in all the other pages. Used properly it can dramatically increase
your hit rate and reduce the load on your servers. ESI looks like this::
The time is: <esi:include src="/cgi-bin/date.cgi"/>
at this very moment.
ESI is processed in vcl_fetch by setting *do_esi* to true.::
sub vcl_fetch {
if (req.url == "/test.html") {
set beresp.do_esi = true; /* Do ESI processing */
.. _users-guide-command-line:
XXX: Total rewrite of this
Starting Varnish
......@@ -3,14 +3,12 @@
Edge Side Includes
*Edge Side Includes* is a language to include *fragments* of web pages
in other web pages. Think of it as HTML include statement that works
over HTTP.
On most web sites a lot of content is shared between
pages. Regenerating this content for every page view is wasteful and
ESI tries to address that letting you decide the cache policy for
each fragment individually.
Varnish can cache create web pages by putting different pages
together. These *fragments* can have individual cache policies. If you
have a web site with a list showing the 5 most popular articles on
your site, this list can probably be cached as a fragment and included
in all the other pages. Used properly it can dramatically increase
your hit rate and reduce the load on your servers.
In Varnish we've only implemented a small subset of ESI. As of 2.1 we
have three ESI statements:
......@@ -20,7 +18,8 @@ have three ESI statements:
* <!--esi ...-->
Content substitution based on variables and cookies is not implemented
but is on the roadmap.
but is on the roadmap. At least if you look at the roadmap from a
certain angle. During a full moon.
Varnish will not process ESI instructions in HTML comments.
......@@ -77,3 +76,11 @@ For example::
<p>The full text of the license:</p>
<esi:include src="" />
Doing ESI on JSON and other non-XMLish content
Please note that Varnish will peek at the included content. If it
doesn't start with a "<" Varnish assumes you didn't really mean to
include it and disregard it. You can alter this behaviour by setting
the esi_syntax parameter (see ref:`ref-varnishd`).
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -5,13 +5,10 @@ Using Varnish
This guide is intended for system administrators managing Varnish
Cache. The reader should know how to configure her web- or application
server and have basic knowledge of the HTTP protocol. The reader
should have Varnish Cache up and running with the default
The guide is split into short chapters, each chapter taking on a
separate topic. Good luck.
The guide is split into short chapters, each chapter explaining a
separate topic.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1
......@@ -24,13 +21,13 @@ separate topic. Good luck.
......@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ One of the really nice features in Varnish is how logging
works. Instead of logging to normal log file Varnish logs to a shared
memory segment. When the end of the segment is reached we start over,
overwriting old data. This is much, much faster then logging to a file
and it doesn't require disk space.
and it doesn't require disk space. Besides it gives you much, much
more information when you need it.
The flip side is that if you forget to have a program actually write the
logs to disk they will disappear.
......@@ -64,5 +65,4 @@ want to know are:
Only list transactions where the tag matches a regular expression. If
it matches you will get the whole transaction.
Now that Varnish seem to work OK it's time to put Varnish on port 80
while we tune it.
For more information on this topic please see ref:`ref-varnishlog`.
......@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ task. A few things to consider:
to only cache images a little while or not to cache them at all if
they are cheap to serve from the backend and you have a limited
amount of memory.
* Watch the n_lru_nuked counter with :ref:`reference-varnishstat` or some other
tool. If you have a lot of LRU activity then your cache is evicting
objects due to space constraints and you should consider increasing
the size of the cache.
* Watch the n_lru_nuked counter with :ref:`reference-varnishstat` or
some other tool. If you have a lot of LRU activity then your cache
is evicting objects due to space constraints and you should
consider increasing the size of the cache.
Be aware that every object that is stored also carries overhead that
is kept outside the actually storage area. So, even if you specify -s
......@@ -63,14 +63,11 @@ errors will be logged in syslog. It might look like this::
Mar 8 13:23:43 smoke varnishd[15670]: Child cleanup complete
Mar 8 13:23:43 smoke varnishd[15670]: child (15697) Started
Specifically if you see the "Error in munmap" error on Linux you might
want to increase the amount of maps available. Linux is limited to a
maximum of 64k maps. Setting vm.max_max_count i sysctl.conf will
enable you to increase this limit. You can inspect the number of maps
your program is consuming by counting the lines in /proc/$PID/maps
This is a rather odd thing to document here - but hopefully Google
will serve you this page if you ever encounter this error.
In this situation the mother process assumes that the cache died and
killed it off.
XXX: Describe crashing child process and crashing mother process here too.
Varnish gives me Guru meditation
XXX: What is this doing here?
Running Varnish in a virtualized environment
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