Commit f3583420 authored by Lasse Karstensen's avatar Lasse Karstensen

Add changelist from 4.1 branch.

parent 6e5ffc08
Varnish Cache 4.1.0 (2015-09-30)
Changes since 4.1.0-beta1:
- Documentation updates.
- Stabilization fixes on testcase p00005.vtc.
- Avoid compiler warning in zlib.
- Bug 1792_: Avoid using fallocate() with -sfile on non-EXT4.
.. _1792:
Varnish Cache 4.1.0-beta1 (2015-09-11)
Changes since 4.1.0-tp1:
- Redhat packaging files are now separate from the normal tree.
- Client workspace overflow should now result in a 500 response
instead of panic.
- [varnishstat] -w option has been retired.
- libvarnishapi release number is increased.
- Body bytes sent on ESI subrequests with gzip are now counted correctly.
- [vmod-std] Data type conversion functions now take additional fallback argument.
Bugs fixed
- 1777_ - Disable speculative Range handling on streaming transactions.
- 1778_ - [varnishstat] Cast to integer to prevent negative values messing the statistics
- 1781_ - Propagate gzip CRC upwards from nested ESI includes.
- 1783_ - Align code with RFC7230 section 3.3.3 which allows POST without a body.
.. _1777:
.. _1778:
.. _1781:
.. _1783:
Varnish Cache 4.1.0-dev (unreleased)
Varnish Cache 4.1.0-tp1 (2015-07-08)
This is a placeholder entry for the upcoming 4.1.0 prereleases.
Changes between 4.0 and 4.1 are numerous. Please read the upgrade
section in the documentation for a general overview.
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