Commit f403938c authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

document backend.list changes

Ref: a0436a43
parent 75166566
......@@ -58,12 +58,21 @@ Varnish Cache trunk (ongoing)
``vcl_dir`` -> ``vcl_path``
``vmod_dir`` -> ``vmod_path``
* Changed the width of the `Probe` column of the ``backend.list``
cli command from 10 to 14 characters
* The width of the columns of the ``backend.list`` cli command output
is now dynamic.
For best forward compatibility, we recommend that scripts parse JSON
output as obtained using the ``-j`` option.
* The format of the ``backend.list -j`` (JSON) cli command output has
* the ``probe_message`` field of a backend can now also have the
format ``[X, Y, state]``, X and Y being integers signifying X out
of Y probes/backends/...
.. expecting more changes here #2896
* The undocumented ``-v`` option to the ``backend.list`` cli command
has been removed
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