Commit fcc229e1 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Improve test coverage for VSL binary file reads.

parent 2fb770ed
......@@ -154,3 +154,13 @@ shell -match {^\*[ ]+<< BeReq\s+>>[ ]+1005[ ]+
-[ ]+BereqURL[ ]+/bar
$} \
"varnishlog -r ${tmpdir}/vlog.bin -b -C -I BAR"
shell -match {^\*[ ]+<< BeReq\s+>>[ ]+1005[ ]+} \
"cat ${tmpdir}/vlog.bin | varnishlog -r - -b -C -I BAR"
shell "rm -f ${tmpdir}/foo"
shell -err -expect "Cannot open ${tmpdir}/foo: " \
"varnishlog -r ${tmpdir}/foo"
shell "echo foobar > ${tmpdir}/foo"
shell -err -expect "Not a VSL file: ${tmpdir}/foo" \
"varnishlog -r ${tmpdir}/foo"
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