1. 11 Dec, 2020 1 commit
  2. 10 Dec, 2020 3 commits
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      flexelint · 17c148c1
      Nils Goroll authored
      ... thinks this statement is confusing.
      Ref: 15f94d33
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      gc duplicate call to VBP_Update_Backend() when creating backends · b1f81218
      Nils Goroll authored
      VRT_new_backend_clustered() is the only caller of VBP_Insert().
      There, VBP_Update_Backend() needs to be called after the director is
      created in order to update the director status for a cold VCL.
      For a warm VCL, VBP_Update_Backend() is called via
      VRT_AddDirector() -> VDI_Event() -> vbe_dir_event() -> VBP_Control()
      Thus, the additonal call before the director is added to the backend,
      does not do anything but update the poll bits.
      Somehow related to #3362
    • Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar
      vsb: Speed VSB_cat() up using VSB_bcat() · 15f94d33
      Dridi Boukelmoune authored
      We don't need to assert the integrity of the VSB after every single
      byte, it can become very expensive depending on the workload.
  3. 09 Dec, 2020 3 commits
  4. 07 Dec, 2020 6 commits
  5. 03 Dec, 2020 5 commits
  6. 02 Dec, 2020 5 commits
  7. 30 Nov, 2020 4 commits
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      silence flexelint on a condition which is known to be always false · e1b0a930
      Nils Goroll authored
      ... unless we f*up, which is the sole purpose of its existence
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      stupid glitch · 462c0f2e
      Nils Goroll authored
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      Utility function for more thorough VRT_CTX sanity checking · f825ef93
      Nils Goroll authored
      this needs to live within the exclusive circle of cache_vcl.h includers, so I
      went for cache_vrt_vcl.c just because of the name.
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      Methods for vmod_priv · 681c1199
      Nils Goroll authored
      This is the refactoring we agreed on to enable an alternative
      implementation of #3454. This PR does not yet introduce the copy
      callback needed to add the functionality suggested in #3454.
      We replace the .free pointer of struct vmod_priv with a pointer to a
      methods struct with callbacks. As of this commit, it only contains
      the .free callback renamed to .fini. The purpose of the refactoring is
      to allow addition of more callbacks later.
      The new struct vmod_priv_methods also contains a .type member pointing
      to a string to contain an arbitrary description of the type of data any
      priv holds which uses these methods.
      relevant changes are in cache_vrt_priv.c and vrt.h, other changes are to
      the documentation and bundled vmods.
      The implementation is a simple refactoring for indirection of the call
      to the .fini callback via the methods structure.
  8. 27 Nov, 2020 2 commits
  9. 25 Nov, 2020 4 commits
  10. 24 Nov, 2020 5 commits
  11. 23 Nov, 2020 2 commits
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      clarify first byte timeout FetchError message · 7a12b1c3
      Nils Goroll authored
      For a first byte timeout on a new connection, we emit
      	FetchError: first byte timeout
      For a first byte timeout being reached on a recycled connection, we
      should keep the error message similar.
      Ref eecd409d
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      silence flexelint · b6d06245
      Nils Goroll authored
      Dridi, phk and myself all stared at this piece of code and see no issue:
      res has been calloc'ed l elements. For any res[i] and res[j] access, i
      and j are less than l, respectively. l is not increased after the
      initial count of elements in s.
      Ref 9947307d
      Flexelint error:
      		res[i] = vp;
      mgt/mgt_vcl.c  749  Warning 661: Possible access of out-of-bounds
          pointer (1 beyond end of data) by operator '[' [Reference:
          file mgt/mgt_vcl.c: lines 719, 722, 727, 744, 747, 749]
      mgt/mgt_vcl.c  719  Info 831: Reference cited in prior message
      mgt/mgt_vcl.c  722  Info 831: Reference cited in prior message
      mgt/mgt_vcl.c  727  Info 831: Reference cited in prior message
      mgt/mgt_vcl.c  744  Info 831: Reference cited in prior message
      mgt/mgt_vcl.c  747  Info 831: Reference cited in prior message
      mgt/mgt_vcl.c  749  Info 831: Reference cited in prior message