• Nils Goroll's avatar
    Output correct director health in CLI · 03f1a214
    Nils Goroll authored
    As VRT_Healthy needs a VRT_CTX, we move vcl_get_ctx and vcl_rel_ctx
    to cache_varnishd.h scope as VCL_Get_CliCtx and VCL_Rel_CliCtx.
    It has been discussed before if all varnishd cli commands should have
    a VRT_CTX, so the natural solution would seem  to add one in or close
    to VCLS_Poll(), yet CLI commands need specific ctxes (e.g. vcl.load
    needs VCL_MET_INIT), so (for now) it appears sensible to limit the
    ctx' scope to individual backend method calls.
    Fixes #2887
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