• Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar
    Put some serious red tape on VCL_STRANDS · 11d55148
    Dridi Boukelmoune authored
    I started suspecting that we need this clarification during the review
    of #3123 [1] and was able to verify it with a simple test case. First I
    needed a function I put in vmod_debug:
        $Function STRANDS hoard_strands(PRIV_TASK, STRANDS s)
        Return the first value of s for the rest of the task.
    The implementation is very straightforward:
        struct hoarder {
               VCL_STRANDS     s;
        xyzzy_hoard_strands(VRT_CTX, struct vmod_priv *priv, VCL_STRANDS s)
               struct hoarder *h;
               CHECK_OBJ_NOTNULL(ctx, VRT_CTX_MAGIC);
               if (priv->priv == NULL) {
                       h = malloc(sizeof *h);
                       h->s = s;
                       priv->priv = h;
                       priv->free = free;
               return (priv->priv);
    And then the following test case results in a panic on my system, but I
    suspect this is generally undefined behavior and other nasty results may
    occur under different circumstances:
        varnishtest "Beware of STRANDS"
        varnish v1 -vcl {
                import debug;
                backend be none;
                sub vcl_recv {
                        debug.hoard_strands("recv: " + req.url);
                sub vcl_miss {
                        debug.hoard_strands("miss: " + req.url);
                        return (synth(200));
                sub vcl_synth {
                        set resp.body = debug.hoard_strands("synth: " + req.url);
                        return (deliver);
        } -start
        client c1 {
                expect resp.body ~ recv
        } -run
    This also begs the following question: can it ever be safe to let a VMOD
    function return a STRANDS? Maybe it should be banned from return types.
    [1] https://github.com/varnishcache/varnish-cache/pull/3123#discussion_r345617108
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