• Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar
    Our various "make-C-readable" macros encroach on name-spaces reserved · 2061f887
    Poul-Henning Kamp authored
    by various standardsbodies.
    Going forward these macros will all be named 'v_[a-z_]*_' and only
    vdef.h gets to define them.
    	__match_proto__()		->	v_matchproto_()
    	__v_printflike()		->	v_printflike_()
    	__state_variable__()		->	v_statevariable_()
    	__unused			->	v_unused_
    	__attribute__((__noreturn__))	->	v_noreturn_
    As a side-effect of the last one, the rule that "vdef.h" be the
    first non-<...> include in .c files, possibly via a subsystem
    .h (such as vct.h) needs to be enforced harder.
    (autocraps "config.h" still needs to go before <...> includes)
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