• Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar
    http1: Optionally honor thread_stats_rate · 849c0844
    Dridi Boukelmoune authored
    When a session is continuously used, for example in a multi-tier setup,
    it can take a very long time before an HTTP/1 session runs out of tasks
    and unwinds back to the point where the worker might update its stats.
    This phenomenon is amplified by thread_stats_rate, so it might take even
    longer to get statistics published. This is famously observed with load
    testing campaigns where a certain set of VSCs may not increase at all
    until the very end of a load run.
    This change makes it possible for HTTP/1 sessions to at least publish
    their statistics into the pool every thread_stats_rate requests.
    To avoid a potential performance cost, this behavior (technically
    complying with the documentation) is guarded by a feature flag. The
    flag is generic so this behavior may be extended to other busy loops,
    present (if any) or future.
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