• Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar
    varnishstatdiff: New utility to compare metrics · 3d0a72c8
    Dridi Boukelmoune authored
    As I was comparing the output of two varnishstat executions that were
    captured after a fresh start of varnishd followed by the workloads to
    compare, I realized diff(1) was giving me a hard time, and git-diff(1)
    barely improved the situation.
    Looking for generic command line utilities to compare metrics I wasn't
    able to find anything. So instead I came up with the output format I
    thought would help me spot interesting differences and came up with a
    format inspired by the unified diff, with a twist. I wanted metrics to
    be vertically aligned to easily see differences in orders of magnitude
    and reduce the noise to a minimum.
    The result is that taking this detour to script varnishstatdiff sped
    my research up ultimately.
    This should hopefully be portable to POSIX systems.
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