• Nils Goroll's avatar
    Change type of VCL_BLOB to newly introduced struct vrt_blob · 54505509
    Nils Goroll authored
    Re-using struct vmod_priv helped simplicity, but had the following
    - in ddfda3d7 we documented what was
      long implied: return values of vmod functions are assumed immutable
      and so are blobs.
      So the blob pointer should be const, yet the struct vmod_priv pointer
      can't be.
    - the struct vmod_priv free pointer implies that there would be
      automatic memory management provided by varnish core, yet this does not
      exist for a good reason: We would otherwise need to track all blobs
      ever returned by vmod functions/methods.
    So we turn the data pointer into a const and remove the free function
    We also add a type field, which is to be viewed similar to the miniobj
    magic, except that it should not be asserted upon. The type field is
    intended for additional (yet unreliable) checks of vmods using BLOBs
    to carry around vmod-specific private data.
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