• Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar
    vcc: New $Alias stanza for VMODs · ceb88d2e
    Dridi Boukelmoune authored
    It is now possible to rename a symbol from a VMOD without breaking
    existing code until the VMOD author decides to remove the deprecated
    The VCC file syntax is simply:
        $Alias <alias> <function>
        [Optional description]
        $Alias <.alias> <obj.method>
        [Optional description]
    The alias can only apply to a $Function or $Method.
    The generated RST looks like this for a method:
        ALIAS x<object>.<name>()
        Deprecated alias for ``x<object>.<method>()``.
        [Optional description]
    It looks the same for a function without the $Object prefix. Aliases
    don't have a reference label for sphinx docs, the goal is not to make
    them prominent, but rather to have the ability to move them to a manual
    section for deprecated symbols at the end of the document.
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