• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    Add JSON support for the "param.show" CLI command. · db0e2596
    Geoff Simmons authored
    * Each param is represented as a JSON object listed in the output
    * The object's "value" field contains the current value, which can
      have different types -- int, float, string or boolean.
    * There is no -l form with param.show -j, each object contains the
      full description.
    * But "param.show -j the_param" or "param.show -j changed" may be
      used to limit the number of objects in the output.
    * Each object may or may not have any of the fields "minimum",
      "maximum", "default" or "units", depending on the param.
    * Params not implemented on the present platform just have
      "implemented":false along with the param name, and no other fields.
    * The values of the "minimum", "maximum" and "default" fields are
      always strings.
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