• Nils Goroll's avatar
    monotonic clock for macos · e3363acc
    Nils Goroll authored
    The otherwise recommended clock_get_time(SYSTEM_TIME) is about 40x
    slower than mach_absolute_time() even after minimizing overhead by
    retrieving the port right only once per process - see
    So we revert to mach_absolute_time() which needs some scaling but
    otherwise does the job. It is reported to halt on iOS devices when
    sleeping, but even if anyone came up with the idea to sell varnish
    over the app store, sleeping would probably need to be avoided in the
    first place and otherwise the right way would probably be to adjust
    the offset using pre/post sleep callbacks.
    As MacOS should have been the last platform using the real clock
    fallback for VTIM_mono, we now bail out at compile-time for any
    platform we have overlooked.
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