Commit f711b1fd authored by Dag Haavi Finstad's avatar Dag Haavi Finstad

Merge pull request #14 from stbc/patch-1

Added a warning concerning X-UA-Device
parents 4630f687 4179d47b
......@@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ VCL::
set beresp.http.Vary = beresp.http.Vary + ", X-UA-Device";
# comment this out if you don't want the client to know your classification
set beresp.http.X-UA-Device = req.http.X-UA-Device;
# remove comment for testing, be careful to use this in prod
# Google might be worried about crafted content
# set beresp.http.X-UA-Device = req.http.X-UA-Device;
# to keep any caches in the wild from serving wrong content to client #2 behind them, we need to
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