Commit 42fb96d3 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

Ensure that entries always have at least one specific subkey to match.

The common_subkey logic depends on this. Before this commit, if an
entry only had common and negative subkeys, it never got registered
as a condidate and dcs_state_remove_candidate could fail an assertion.
parent 969999ea
......@@ -802,28 +802,56 @@ sub process_entry($) {
my $initmask = 0;
my @sks = (@{$entry->[ENTRY_SUBKEYS]});
goto nosubkeys unless(scalar(@sks));
my %sks_common;
my %sks_negative;
my %sks_positive;
foreach my $subkey (@sks) {
if (exists($common_subkeys{$subkey})) {
$sks_common{$subkey} = 1;
} elsif ($subkey =~ /^!(.*)/o) {
$subkey =~ s/^!//;
$sks_negative{$subkey} = 1;
} else {
$sks_positive{$subkey} = 1;
# we need at least one positive subkey, otherwise the
# common_matchmask and candidate logic will fail
if (scalar(keys %sks_positive) == 0) {
my @common = keys %sks_common;
die 'neither positive nor common subkeys for key '.${$entry->[ENTRY_KEY]}
unless (scalar(@common) > 0);
# choose the common subkey with the lowest count
# (which is the one with the highest value)
@common = sort { $common_subkeys{$a} <=> $common_subkeys{$a} } @common
unless (scalar(@common) == 1);
$sks_positive{$common[0]} = 1;
delete $sks_common{$common[0]};
while (my $subkey = shift @sks) {
assert($entry_subkey < MAX_SUBKEY_PER_ENTRY);
my @se;
# for common subkeys we just mark the appropriate bit to be
# required, except when this is the last subkey and all hae
# been common so far. In that case we must not use the common
# subkey logic but rather have the entry marked explicitly to
# get it considered as a candidate
if (exists($common_subkeys{$subkey}) &&
(! (($entry_subkey == 0) &&
(scalar(@sks) == 0)))) {
if ($sks_common{$subkey}) {
$common_matchmask |= $common_subkeys{$subkey};
} else {
my $e;
if ($subkey =~ /^!(.*)/o) {
$subkey =~ s/^!//;
if ($sks_negative{$subkey}) {
$initmask |= (1<<$entry_subkey);
$matchmask |= (1<<$entry_subkey);
$e = 0 - $entry->[ENTRY_INDEX];
} else {
$matchmask |= (1<<$entry_subkey);
$e = $entry->[ENTRY_INDEX];
......@@ -851,6 +879,8 @@ sub process_entry($) {
$entry->[ENTRY_COMMON_MATCHMASK] = $common_matchmask;
$entry->[ENTRY_MATCHMASK] = $matchmask;
$entry->[ENTRY_INITMASK] = $initmask;
......@@ -1186,6 +1216,14 @@ dcs_state_add_candidate(struct dcs_matchstate *state, dcs_entry_id_t cand) {
#define dcs_entry_positive(entry_index) (dcs_matchstate_init.matchmask[entry_index] == 0)
/* have got no common_matchmask or all entries hit */
#define dcs_entry_common_match(state, entry_index) \
(dcs_entry[entry_index].common_matchmask == 0) || \
((state->common_matchmask & dcs_entry[entry_index].common_matchmask) == \
static inline void
dcs_state_remove_candidate(struct dcs_matchstate *state, dcs_entry_id_t cand) {
dcs_entry_id_t i, j;
......@@ -1202,8 +1240,12 @@ dcs_state_remove_candidate(struct dcs_matchstate *state, dcs_entry_id_t cand) {
/* must not happen that we remove something not a candidate */
* it must not happen that we remove something not a candidate
* special cases must be handled in dcs_entry gen code
* (like only common and negative subkeys as in
* iphone*!ipad*!ipod*!freenetmail)
assert("removed something not a candidate" == NULL);
......@@ -1214,9 +1256,7 @@ dcs_state_eval_candidates(struct dcs_matchstate *state) {
for (i = 0; i < state->n_candidates; i++) {
dcs_entry_id_t entry_index = state->candidates[i];
if ((dcs_entry[entry_index].common_matchmask == 0) ||
((state->common_matchmask & dcs_entry[entry_index].common_matchmask) ==
dcs_entry[entry_index].common_matchmask)) {
if (dcs_entry_common_match(state, entry_index)) {
if ((state->min_match_entry == 0) ||
(entry_index < state->min_match_entry))
state->min_match_entry = entry_index;
......@@ -1267,7 +1307,6 @@ dcs_register_subkey_match(struct dcs_matchstate *state, dcs_subkey_id_t subkey_i
if (entry_index < 0) {
entry_index = 0 - entry_index;
/* if this was a candidate before, remove it */
if (state->matchmask[entry_index] == dcs_entry[entry_index].matchmask) {
dcs_state_remove_candidate(state, entry_index);
P_SK_MATCH("removed candidate index %d id %d this 0x%x mask 0x%x need 0x%x\n",
......@@ -1294,22 +1333,17 @@ dcs_register_subkey_match(struct dcs_matchstate *state, dcs_subkey_id_t subkey_i
* - if mask ok and common mask ok, we got a match
* - if mask ok but not common mask, make it a candidate
* negatives are more complicates:
* negatives are more complicated:
* - if we see the negative subkey before the last match, the matchmasks
* of state and entry will never be equal
* of state and entry will never get eqal -> ok
* - otherwise we cannot know that it is a match before we have seen the
* whole string, so make it a candidate for final check
* it is sufficient to check the common mask in the final check
if (state->matchmask[entry_index] == dcs_entry[entry_index].matchmask) {
if (dcs_matchstate_init.matchmask[entry_index] == 0) {
/* entry with only positive matches */
if ((dcs_entry[entry_index].common_matchmask == 0) ||
((state->common_matchmask & dcs_entry[entry_index].common_matchmask) ==
dcs_entry[entry_index].common_matchmask)) {
/* have got no common_matchmask or all entries hit */
if (dcs_entry_positive(entry_index)) {
if (dcs_entry_common_match(state, entry_index)) {
if ((state->min_match_entry == 0) ||
(entry_index < state->min_match_entry))
state->min_match_entry = entry_index;
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