Geoff Simmons authored
The haproxy container now runs the app k8s-crt-dnldr, and no longer runs http-faccess. See https://code.uplex.de/k8s/k8s-crt-dnldr k8s-crt-dnldr runs a k8s client that reads Secrets, filtered for RLS (type:kubernetes.io/tls). It provides a REST API with which a client can instruct it to write (PUT) or remove (DELETE) a pem file (concatenated crt and key) corresponding to a TLS Secret in the cluster. By default, these are written to /etc/ssl/private, where haproxy reads certificates. After the next haproxy reload following the write or delete, haproxy will use or not use the certificate. Once k8s-crt-dnldr has been instructed to store a Secret, it responds to Update and Delete events for the Secret by updating or deleting the file on its own. The controller currently sends commands to do so as well, but in practice the k8s-crt-dnldr has already changed the certificate itself (this is not an error). This means that viking Pods must have RBAC rights to read Secrets (the fact that these are filtered for TLS is not expressible in RBAC). That in turn means that viking Pods must be assigned a service account name, to get the RBAC role binding. The controller no longer needs RBAC write privileges for Secrets, and the "tls-cert" Secret with the hard-wired name is no longer necessary. The Secret volume that projects "tls-cert" into viking Pods has been removed. The port faccess in the headless Service for viking admin has been renamed to crt-dnldr. Addresses #36