• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    Update Ingress status.loadBalancer after successful sync. · 2c879de1
    Geoff Simmons authored
    The addresses for this array are taken from the public names and/or
    IPs in the spec for Service(s) that expose the Ingress. These are
    identified as:
    - in the same namespace as the admin Service
    - have the label viking.uplex.de/svc=public
    - have the same selectors as the admin Service
    - type is one of ClusterIP, NodePort or LoadBalancer
    The label viking.uplex.de/svc is only required if the Ingress status
    update is required. For example to use a tool like ArgoCD, or if
    the cloud provider requires it.
    Set the label in the Service template for the viking-service chart.