Commit 083822c6 authored by Tim Leers's avatar Tim Leers

Add haproxy image

parent e12dbcf2
......@@ -22,6 +22,18 @@ test:
- make check
# build new haproxy image if dockerfile changes
extends: .build-haproxy
- changes:
- container/Dockerfile.haproxy
# haproxy image can be build when user triggers it
extends: .build-haproxy
when: manual
# build new varnish image if dockerfile changes
extends: .build-varnish
......@@ -223,11 +235,14 @@ example:varnish-pod-template:
- kubectl get services --all-namespaces -o wide
- docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/varnish-ingress/controller:$CI_COMMIT_SHA
# using varnish image with latest tag due to performance. if we are changing this image a lot, we need to improve this as can lead to pulling the incorrect image
# using haproxy and varnish image with latest tag due to performance. if we are changing this image a lot, we need to improve this as can lead to pulling the incorrect image
- docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/varnish-ingress/varnish:latest
- docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/varnish-ingress/haproxy:latest
- docker tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/varnish-ingress/controller:$CI_COMMIT_SHA varnish-ingress/controller
- docker tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/varnish-ingress/haproxy:latest varnish-ingress/haproxy
- docker tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/varnish-ingress/varnish:latest varnish-ingress/varnish
- kind load docker-image varnish-ingress/varnish
- kind load docker-image varnish-ingress/haproxy
- kind load docker-image varnish-ingress/controller
- cd deploy
- ./
......@@ -243,6 +258,16 @@ example:varnish-pod-template:
- cd container
- make varnish
# basic step for a pipeline to build the haproxy image
extends: .build-image
stage: build
IMAGE: haproxy
- cd container
- make haproxy
stage: build
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