Commit 0a501af1 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Split the function maps used by the VCL templates.

parent 6121294a
...@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ ...@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@
package vcl package vcl
import "text/template" import (
const aclTmplSrc = ` const aclTmplSrc = `
import std; import std;
...@@ -70,5 +74,54 @@ sub vcl_recv { ...@@ -70,5 +74,54 @@ sub vcl_recv {
const aclTmplName = "acl" const aclTmplName = "acl"
var aclTmpl = template.Must(template.New(aclTmplName).Funcs(fMap). const (
xffFirst = `regsub(req.http.X-Forwarded-For,"^([^,\s]+).*","\1")`
xff2ndLast = `regsub(req.http.X-Forwarded-For,"^.*?([[:xdigit:]:.]+)\s*,[^,]*$","\1")`
func hasXFF(acls []ACL) bool {
for _, acl := range acls {
if strings.HasPrefix(acl.Comparand, "xff-") {
return true
return false
func aclCmp(comparand string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(comparand, "xff-") ||
strings.HasPrefix(comparand, "req.http.") {
if comparand == "xff-first" {
comparand = xffFirst
} else if comparand == "xff-2ndlast" {
comparand = xff2ndLast
return fmt.Sprintf(`std.ip(%s, "")`, comparand)
return comparand
func aclMask(bits uint8) string {
if bits > 128 {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("/%d", bits)
var aclFuncs = template.FuncMap{
"aclMask": func(bits uint8) string { return aclMask(bits) },
"hasXFF": func(acls []ACL) bool { return hasXFF(acls) },
"aclName": func(name string) string {
return mangle(name + "_acl")
"cmpRelation": func(cmp CompareType, negate bool) string {
return cmpRelation(cmp, negate)
"aclCmp": func(comparand string) string {
return aclCmp(comparand)
var aclTmpl = template.Must(template.New(aclTmplName).Funcs(aclFuncs).
Parse(aclTmplSrc)) Parse(aclTmplSrc))
...@@ -80,5 +80,14 @@ sub vcl_synth { ...@@ -80,5 +80,14 @@ sub vcl_synth {
const authTmplName = "auth" const authTmplName = "auth"
var authTmpl = template.Must(template.New(authTmplName).Funcs(fMap). var authFuncs = template.FuncMap{
"credsMatcher": func(realm string) string {
return mangle(realm + "_auth")
"cmpRelation": func(cmp CompareType, negate bool) string {
return cmpRelation(cmp, negate)
var authTmpl = template.Must(template.New(authTmplName).Funcs(authFuncs).
Parse(authTmplSrc)) Parse(authTmplSrc))
...@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ ...@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@
package vcl package vcl
import "text/template" import (
const reqDispTmplSrc = ` const reqDispTmplSrc = `
import re2; import re2;
...@@ -82,5 +85,47 @@ sub vcl_recv { ...@@ -82,5 +85,47 @@ sub vcl_recv {
const reqDispTmplName = "request-disposition" const reqDispTmplName = "request-disposition"
var reqDispTmpl = template.Must(template.New(reqDispTmplName).Funcs(fMap). func reqNeedsMatcher(cond Condition) bool {
Parse(reqDispTmplSrc)) switch cond.Compare {
case Match, Prefix:
return true
case Exists, Greater, GreaterEqual, Less, LessEqual:
return false
if cond.Count != nil || len(cond.Values) == 1 {
return false
return true
func reqFlags(cond Condition) string {
return matcherFlags(cond.Compare != Match, cond.MatchFlags)
func reqValue(cond Condition) string {
if cond.Count != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", *cond.Count)
return `"` + cond.Values[0] + `"`
var reqDispFuncs = template.FuncMap{
"exists": func(cmp CompareType) bool { return cmp == Exists },
"match": func(cmp CompareType) string { return match(cmp) },
"needsCompile": func(cmp CompareType) bool { return cmp == Match },
"value": func(cond Condition) string { return reqValue(cond) },
"vmod": func(cmp CompareType) string { return vmod(cmp) },
"reqFlags": func(cond Condition) string { return reqFlags(cond) },
"cmpRelation": func(cmp CompareType, negate bool) string {
return cmpRelation(cmp, negate)
"reqNeedsMatcher": func(cond Condition) bool {
return reqNeedsMatcher(cond)
"reqObj": func(didx, cidx int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("vk8s_reqdisp_%d_%d", didx, cidx)
var reqDispTmpl = template.Must(template.New(reqDispTmplName).
...@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ ...@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@
package vcl package vcl
import "text/template" import (
const rewriteTmplSrc = ` const rewriteTmplSrc = `
import re2; import re2;
...@@ -88,5 +92,186 @@ sub vcl_{{rewrSub $r}} { ...@@ -88,5 +92,186 @@ sub vcl_{{rewrSub $r}} {
const rewriteTmplName = "rewrite" const rewriteTmplName = "rewrite"
var rewriteTmpl = template.Must(template.New(rewriteTmplName).Funcs(fMap). func needsMatcher(rewr Rewrite) bool {
Parse(rewriteTmplSrc)) switch rewr.Method {
case Append, Prepend, Delete, Replace:
if len(rewr.Rules) == 0 ||
(len(rewr.Rules) == 1 && rewr.Rules[0].Value == "") {
return false
return true
return true
func needsSave(rewr Rewrite) bool {
if rewr.Compare != Match {
return false
switch rewr.Method {
case Sub, Suball, RewriteMethod:
return true
return false
func rewrName(i int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("vk8s_rewrite_%d", i)
func rewrFlags(rewr Rewrite) string {
return matcherFlags(rewr.Compare != Match, rewr.MatchFlags)
func rewrSub(rewr Rewrite) string {
if rewr.VCLSub == Unspecified {
if strings.HasPrefix(rewr.Target, "resp") ||
strings.HasPrefix(rewr.Target, "resp") {
rewr.VCLSub = Deliver
} else if strings.HasPrefix(rewr.Target, "beresp") ||
strings.HasPrefix(rewr.Target, "beresp") {
rewr.VCLSub = BackendResponse
} else if strings.HasPrefix(rewr.Target, "req") {
rewr.VCLSub = Recv
} else {
rewr.VCLSub = BackendFetch
switch rewr.VCLSub {
case Recv:
return "recv"
case Pipe:
return "pipe"
case Pass:
return "pass"
case Hash:
return "hash"
case Purge:
return "purge"
case Miss:
return "miss"
case Hit:
return "hit"
case Deliver:
return "deliver"
case Synth:
return "synth"
case BackendFetch:
return "backend_fetch"
case BackendResponse:
return "backend_response"
case BackendError:
return "backend_error"
return "__UNKNOWN_VCL_SUB__"
func rewrSelect(rewr Rewrite) string {
if rewr.Select == Unique {
return ""
return "select=" + rewr.Select.String()
func rewrOperand1(rewr Rewrite) string {
if len(rewr.Rules) == 0 {
return rewr.Target
return rewr.Source
func rewrOperand2(rewr Rewrite, i int) string {
if len(rewr.Rules) == 1 && rewr.Rules[0].Value == "" {
return `"` + rewr.Rules[0].Rewrite + `"`
if len(rewr.Rules) > 0 && rewr.Rules[0].Value != "" {
return rewrName(i) + ".string(" + rewrSelect(rewr) + ")"
return rewr.Source
func rewrOp(rewr Rewrite) string {
switch rewr.Method {
case Sub:
return "sub"
case Suball:
if rewr.Compare == Match {
return "suball"
return "sub"
case RewriteMethod:
return "extract"
var rewriteFuncs = template.FuncMap{
"match": func(cmp CompareType) string { return match(cmp) },
"needsMatcher": func(rewr Rewrite) bool { return needsMatcher(rewr) },
"needsCompile": func(cmp CompareType) bool { return cmp == Match },
"needsSave": func(rewr Rewrite) bool { return needsSave(rewr) },
"rewrFlags": func(rewr Rewrite) string { return rewrFlags(rewr) },
"rewrSub": func(rewr Rewrite) string { return rewrSub(rewr) },
"rewrOp": func(rewr Rewrite) string { return rewrOp(rewr) },
"rewrSelect": func(rewr Rewrite) string { return rewrSelect(rewr) },
"rewrName": func(i int) string { return rewrName(i) },
"vmod": func(cmp CompareType) string { return vmod(cmp) },
"needsAll": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Compare != Match && rewr.Method == Suball
"needsNeverCapture": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Compare == Match && rewr.MatchFlags.NeverCapture
"needsRegex": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Compare != Match &&
(rewr.Method == Sub || rewr.Method == Suball)
"needsUniqueCheck": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
if rewr.Compare == Equal || rewr.Select != Unique {
return false
switch rewr.Method {
case Delete:
return false
case Sub, Suball, RewriteMethod:
return true
return len(rewr.Rules) > 0 && rewr.Rules[0].Value != ""
"needsSelectEnum": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Select != Unique
"rewrMethodAppend": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Method == Append
"rewrMethodPrepend": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Method == Prepend
"rewrMethodDelete": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Method == Delete
"rewrMethodReplace": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Method == Replace
"rewrOperand1": func(rewr Rewrite) string {
return rewrOperand1(rewr)
"rewrOperand2": func(rewr Rewrite, i int) string {
return rewrOperand2(rewr, i)
"saveRegex": func(rewr Rewrite, rule RewriteRule) string {
regex := `^\Q` + rule.Value + `\E`
if rewr.Compare == Prefix {
return regex
return regex + "$"
var rewriteTmpl = template.Must(template.New(rewriteTmplName).
...@@ -35,130 +35,8 @@ import ( ...@@ -35,130 +35,8 @@ import (
"math/big" "math/big"
"regexp" "regexp"
"strings" "strings"
) )
var fMap = template.FuncMap{
"plusOne": func(i int) int { return i + 1 },
"vclMangle": func(s string) string { return mangle(s) },
"aclMask": func(bits uint8) string { return aclMask(bits) },
"hasXFF": func(acls []ACL) bool { return hasXFF(acls) },
"dirType": func(svc Service) string { return dirType(svc) },
"rewrName": func(i int) string { return rewrName(i) },
"needsMatcher": func(rewr Rewrite) bool { return needsMatcher(rewr) },
"rewrFlags": func(rewr Rewrite) string { return rewrFlags(rewr) },
"needsSave": func(rewr Rewrite) bool { return needsSave(rewr) },
"rewrSub": func(rewr Rewrite) string { return rewrSub(rewr) },
"rewrOp": func(rewr Rewrite) string { return rewrOp(rewr) },
"rewrSelect": func(rewr Rewrite) string { return rewrSelect(rewr) },
"value": func(cond Condition) string { return reqValue(cond) },
"reqFlags": func(cond Condition) string { return reqFlags(cond) },
"needsCompile": func(cmp CompareType) bool { return cmp == Match },
"exists": func(cmp CompareType) bool { return cmp == Exists },
"match": func(cmp CompareType) string { return match(cmp) },
"vmod": func(cmp CompareType) string { return vmod(cmp) },
"aclCmp": func(comparand string) string {
return aclCmp(comparand)
"cmpRelation": func(cmp CompareType, negate bool) string {
return cmpRelation(cmp, negate)
"backendName": func(svc Service, addr string) string {
return backendName(svc, addr)
"dirName": func(svc Service) string {
return directorName(svc)
"resolverName": func(svc Service) string {
return resolverName(svc)
"urlMatcher": func(rule Rule) string {
return urlMatcher(rule)
"aclName": func(name string) string {
return mangle(name + "_acl")
"probeName": func(name string) string {
return mangle(name + "_probe")
"credsMatcher": func(realm string) string {
return mangle(realm + "_auth")
"rewrMethodAppend": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Method == Append
"rewrMethodPrepend": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Method == Prepend
"rewrMethodDelete": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Method == Delete
"rewrMethodReplace": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Method == Replace
"needsRegex": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Compare != Match &&
(rewr.Method == Sub || rewr.Method == Suball)
"saveRegex": func(rewr Rewrite, rule RewriteRule) string {
regex := `^\Q` + rule.Value + `\E`
if rewr.Compare == Prefix {
return regex
return regex + "$"
"needsAll": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Compare != Match && rewr.Method == Suball
"needsNeverCapture": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Compare == Match && rewr.MatchFlags.NeverCapture
"rewrOperand1": func(rewr Rewrite) string {
return rewrOperand1(rewr)
"rewrOperand2": func(rewr Rewrite, i int) string {
return rewrOperand2(rewr, i)
"needsUniqueCheck": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
if rewr.Compare == Equal || rewr.Select != Unique {
return false
switch rewr.Method {
case Delete:
return false
case Sub, Suball, RewriteMethod:
return true
return len(rewr.Rules) > 0 && rewr.Rules[0].Value != ""
"needsSelectEnum": func(rewr Rewrite) bool {
return rewr.Select != Unique
"reqObj": func(didx, cidx int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("vk8s_reqdisp_%d_%d", didx, cidx)
"reqNeedsMatcher": func(cond Condition) bool {
return reqNeedsMatcher(cond)
// maxSymLen is a workaround for Varnish issue #2880
// Will be unnecssary as of the March 2019 release
const maxSymLen = 46
var vclIllegal = regexp.MustCompile("[^[:word:]-]+")
func replIllegal(ill []byte) []byte {
repl := []byte("_")
for _, b := range ill {
repl = append(repl, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%02x", b))...)
repl = append(repl, []byte("_")...)
return repl
// GetSrc returns the VCL generated to implement a Spec. // GetSrc returns the VCL generated to implement a Spec.
func (spec Spec) GetSrc() (string, error) { func (spec Spec) GetSrc() (string, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer var buf bytes.Buffer
...@@ -196,6 +74,25 @@ func (spec Spec) GetSrc() (string, error) { ...@@ -196,6 +74,25 @@ func (spec Spec) GetSrc() (string, error) {
return buf.String(), nil return buf.String(), nil
} }
// The following functions are re-used in the function maps of more
// than one template.
// maxSymLen is a workaround for Varnish issue #2880
// Will be unnecssary as of the March 2019 release
const maxSymLen = 46
var vclIllegal = regexp.MustCompile("[^[:word:]-]+")
func replIllegal(ill []byte) []byte {
repl := []byte("_")
for _, b := range ill {
repl = append(repl, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%02x", b))...)
repl = append(repl, []byte("_")...)
return repl
func bound(s string, l int) string { func bound(s string, l int) string {
if len(s) <= l { if len(s) <= l {
return s return s
...@@ -219,57 +116,6 @@ func mangle(s string) string { ...@@ -219,57 +116,6 @@ func mangle(s string) string {
return bound(string(mangled), maxSymLen) return bound(string(mangled), maxSymLen)
} }
func backendName(svc Service, addr string) string {
return mangle(svc.Name + "_" + strings.Replace(addr, ".", "_", -1))
func directorName(svc Service) string {
return mangle(svc.Name + "_director")
func resolverName(svc Service) string {
return mangle(svc.Name + "_resolver")
func urlMatcher(rule Rule) string {
return mangle(strings.Replace(rule.Host, ".", "_", -1) + "_url")
func aclMask(bits uint8) string {
if bits > 128 {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("/%d", bits)
const (
xffFirst = `regsub(req.http.X-Forwarded-For,"^([^,\s]+).*","\1")`
xff2ndLast = `regsub(req.http.X-Forwarded-For,"^.*?([[:xdigit:]:.]+)\s*,[^,]*$","\1")`
func aclCmp(comparand string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(comparand, "xff-") ||
strings.HasPrefix(comparand, "req.http.") {
if comparand == "xff-first" {
comparand = xffFirst
} else if comparand == "xff-2ndlast" {
comparand = xff2ndLast
return fmt.Sprintf(`std.ip(%s, "")`, comparand)
return comparand
func hasXFF(acls []ACL) bool {
for _, acl := range acls {
if strings.HasPrefix(acl.Comparand, "xff-") {
return true
return false
func cmpRelation(cmp CompareType, negate bool) string { func cmpRelation(cmp CompareType, negate bool) string {
switch cmp { switch cmp {
case Equal: case Equal:
...@@ -295,43 +141,6 @@ func cmpRelation(cmp CompareType, negate bool) string { ...@@ -295,43 +141,6 @@ func cmpRelation(cmp CompareType, negate bool) string {
} }
} }
func dirType(svc Service) string {
if svc.Director == nil {
return RoundRobin.String()
return svc.Director.Type.String()
func needsMatcher(rewr Rewrite) bool {
switch rewr.Method {
case Append, Prepend, Delete, Replace:
if len(rewr.Rules) == 0 ||
(len(rewr.Rules) == 1 && rewr.Rules[0].Value == "") {
return false
return true
return true
func reqNeedsMatcher(cond Condition) bool {
switch cond.Compare {
case Match, Prefix:
return true
case Exists, Greater, GreaterEqual, Less, LessEqual:
return false
if cond.Count != nil || len(cond.Values) == 1 {
return false
return true
func rewrName(i int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("vk8s_rewrite_%d", i)
func vmod(cmp CompareType) string { func vmod(cmp CompareType) string {
switch cmp { switch cmp {
case Equal, Prefix: case Equal, Prefix:
...@@ -388,94 +197,6 @@ func matcherFlags(isSelector bool, flagSpec MatchFlagsType) string { ...@@ -388,94 +197,6 @@ func matcherFlags(isSelector bool, flagSpec MatchFlagsType) string {
return strings.Join(flags, ",") return strings.Join(flags, ",")
} }
func rewrFlags(rewr Rewrite) string {
return matcherFlags(rewr.Compare != Match, rewr.MatchFlags)
func reqFlags(cond Condition) string {
return matcherFlags(cond.Compare != Match, cond.MatchFlags)
func needsSave(rewr Rewrite) bool {
if rewr.Compare != Match {
return false
switch rewr.Method {
case Sub, Suball, RewriteMethod:
return true
return false
func rewrSub(rewr Rewrite) string {
if rewr.VCLSub == Unspecified {
if strings.HasPrefix(rewr.Target, "resp") ||
strings.HasPrefix(rewr.Target, "resp") {
rewr.VCLSub = Deliver
} else if strings.HasPrefix(rewr.Target, "beresp") ||
strings.HasPrefix(rewr.Target, "beresp") {
rewr.VCLSub = BackendResponse
} else if strings.HasPrefix(rewr.Target, "req") {
rewr.VCLSub = Recv
} else {
rewr.VCLSub = BackendFetch
switch rewr.VCLSub {
case Recv:
return "recv"
case Pipe:
return "pipe"
case Pass:
return "pass"
case Hash:
return "hash"
case Purge:
return "purge"
case Miss:
return "miss"
case Hit:
return "hit"
case Deliver:
return "deliver"
case Synth:
return "synth"
case BackendFetch:
return "backend_fetch"
case BackendResponse:
return "backend_response"
case BackendError:
return "backend_error"
return "__UNKNOWN_VCL_SUB__"
func rewrSelect(rewr Rewrite) string {
if rewr.Select == Unique {
return ""
return "select=" + rewr.Select.String()
func rewrOperand1(rewr Rewrite) string {
if len(rewr.Rules) == 0 {
return rewr.Target
return rewr.Source
func rewrOperand2(rewr Rewrite, i int) string {
if len(rewr.Rules) == 1 && rewr.Rules[0].Value == "" {
return `"` + rewr.Rules[0].Rewrite + `"`
if len(rewr.Rules) > 0 && rewr.Rules[0].Value != "" {
return rewrName(i) + ".string(" + rewrSelect(rewr) + ")"
return rewr.Source
func match(cmp CompareType) string { func match(cmp CompareType) string {
switch cmp { switch cmp {
case Match, Equal: case Match, Equal:
...@@ -486,26 +207,3 @@ func match(cmp CompareType) string { ...@@ -486,26 +207,3 @@ func match(cmp CompareType) string {
} }
} }
func rewrOp(rewr Rewrite) string {
switch rewr.Method {
case Sub:
return "sub"
case Suball:
if rewr.Compare == Match {
return "suball"
return "sub"
case RewriteMethod:
return "extract"
func reqValue(cond Condition) string {
if cond.Count != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", *cond.Count)
return `"` + cond.Values[0] + `"`
...@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ ...@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@
package vcl package vcl
import "text/template" import (
const ingTmplSrc = `vcl 4.1; const ingTmplSrc = `vcl 4.1;
...@@ -263,5 +266,40 @@ sub vcl_hit { ...@@ -263,5 +266,40 @@ sub vcl_hit {
const ingTmplName = "vcl" const ingTmplName = "vcl"
func dirType(svc Service) string {
if svc.Director == nil {
return RoundRobin.String()
return svc.Director.Type.String()
func backendName(svc Service, addr string) string {
return mangle(svc.Name + "_" + strings.Replace(addr, ".", "_", -1))
func urlMatcher(rule Rule) string {
return mangle(strings.Replace(rule.Host, ".", "_", -1) + "_url")
var vclFuncs = template.FuncMap{
"plusOne": func(i int) int { return i + 1 },
"dirType": func(svc Service) string { return dirType(svc) },
"probeName": func(name string) string {
return mangle(name + "_probe")
"backendName": func(svc Service, addr string) string {
return backendName(svc, addr)
"dirName": func(svc Service) string {
return mangle(svc.Name + "_director")
"resolverName": func(svc Service) string {
return mangle(svc.Name + "_resolver")
"urlMatcher": func(rule Rule) string {
return urlMatcher(rule)
var ingressTmpl = template.Must(template.New(ingTmplName). var ingressTmpl = template.Must(template.New(ingTmplName).
Funcs(fMap).Parse(ingTmplSrc)) Funcs(vclFuncs).Parse(ingTmplSrc))
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