Commit 1629bac2 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Automate un-/deployment & test of the single namespace example.

parent 9851138b
\ No newline at end of file
#! /bin/bash -ex
kubectl apply -f ns-and-sa.yaml
kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f adm-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f varnish.yaml
kubectl apply -f nodeport.yaml
kubectl apply -f controller.yaml
kubectl apply -f cafe.yaml
kubectl apply -f cafe-ingress.yaml
#! /bin/bash -ex
kubectl delete -f cafe-ingress.yaml
kubectl delete -f cafe.yaml
kubectl delete -f controller.yaml
kubectl delete -f nodeport.yaml
kubectl delete -f varnish.yaml
kubectl delete -f adm-secret.yaml
kubectl delete -f rbac.yaml
kubectl delete -f ns-and-sa.yaml
#! /bin/bash -ex
function killforward {
kubectl wait -n varnish-ingress --timeout=2m pod -l app=varnish-ingress --for=condition=Ready
kubectl port-forward -n varnish-ingress svc/varnish-ingress ${LOCALPORT}:80 >/dev/null &
trap killforward EXIT
sleep 1
varnishtest ${TESTOPTS} -Dlocalport=${LOCALPORT} cafe.vtc
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