Commit 2a01ea46 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Makefile column width OCD.

parent 6db49dbf
......@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ KLARLACK_VMODS=libvdfp-pipe libvfp-brotli libvmod-all-healthy \
controller: Dockerfile.controller docker-minikube
docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS) -t $(IMAGE_REPO)varnish-ingress/controller \
docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS) \
-t $(IMAGE_REPO)varnish-ingress/controller \
-f Dockerfile.controller ..
varnish: Dockerfile.varnish docker-minikube
......@@ -85,12 +86,14 @@ klarlack: Dockerfile.varnish docker-minikube
-f Dockerfile.varnish .
ascn: Dockerfile.ascn docker-minikube
docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS) -t $(IMAGE_REPO)varnish-ingress/ascn \
docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS) \
-t $(IMAGE_REPO)varnish-ingress/ascn \
-f Dockerfile.ascn .
haproxy: Dockerfile.haproxy docker-minikube
docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS) -t $(IMAGE_REPO)varnish-ingress/haproxy \
docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS) \
-t $(IMAGE_REPO)varnish-ingress/haproxy \
--build-arg DEBIAN_TAG=$(DEBIAN_TAG) \
-f Dockerfile.haproxy .
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