Commit 2c07dd92 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Add examples for Basic and Proxy authentication.

parent 3d958d69
......@@ -261,3 +261,6 @@ spec:
secretName: proxy-creds
type: proxy
See the [``examples/`` folder](/examples/authentication) for working
examples of authentication configurations.
......@@ -12,3 +12,5 @@ requirements.
* [Self-sharding Varnish cluster](/examples/self-sharding)
* [Basic and Proxy Authentication](/examples/authentication)
# Basic and Proxy Authentication
This folder contains examples of configuration for Basic and Proxy
Authentication, as specified in the
[``.spec.auth`` section](/docs/ of a VarnishConfig
Custom Resource. See [RFC7235](
for the HTTP Authentication standard.
The sample manifests are based on the
["cafe" example](/examples/hello), and pre-suppose that the Services
and Ingress from that example are deployed.
## Basic Authentication
The example for Basic Authentication requires authentication against
separate realms, with separate sets of credentials, for attempts to
access the "coffee" or "tea" services. In both cases, authentication
is required when the ``Host`` is ```` (which the
Ingress rules require for both services); but the separated
authentication rules apply for the URL paths ``/coffee`` and ``/tea``
(which the Ingress rules route to ``coffee-svc`` and ``tea-svc``).
First define the Secrets ``coffee-creds`` and ``tea-creds``, which
contain the user/password credentials for the two Services:
$ kubectl apply -f basic-secrets.yaml
The key-value pairs in the ``data`` section of each Secret form the
username-password pairs to be used for authentication (note that
``stringData`` is used in the YAMLs for convenience in these examples,
so that the passwords are human-readable):
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: coffee-creds
app: varnish-ingress
type: Opaque
coffee-admin: superpowers
foo: bar
baz: quux
Aladdin: open sesame
Note that the Secret has the label ``app: varnish-ingress``. The
Ingress controller ignores all Secrets that do not have this label.
Now apply the ``VarnishConfig`` Custom Resource that defines the
configuration in the ``.spec.auth`` section:
$ kubectl apply -f basic-auth.yaml
The configuration references the Secrets in the ``secretName`` field;
these Secrets must exist in the same namespace as the VarnishConfig
resource, Ingress and Varnish Service. For the "coffee" service, we
set the authentication realm to ``coffee`` and specify credentials
from the ``coffee-creds`` Secret:
- realm: coffee
secretName: coffee-creds
type: basic
utf8: true
host-match: ^cafe\.example\.com$
url-match: ^/coffee($|/)
``type: basic`` specifies Basic Authentication, and the ``host-match``
and ``url-match`` fields require authentication in the "coffee" realm
when the Host is exactly equal to "", and the URL path
begins with "/coffee".
The ``utf8: true`` setting means that the field ``charset="UTF-8"``
field is appended to the ``WWW-Authenticate`` response header when
authentication fails, to advise clients that UTF-8 encoding is used
for usernames and passwords (see
[RFC 7617 2.1](
This is not strictly necessary for the example, but you may need it if
credentials include characters outside of the ASCII range.
For the "tea" service, the realm is "tea" and credentials are taken
from the ``tea-creds`` Secret when the URL path begins with "/tea":
- realm: tea
secretName: tea-creds
host-match: ^cafe\.example\.com$
url-match: ^/tea($|/)
Not that ``type: basic`` was left out here, since ``basic`` is the
To verify the configuration after invoking the two ``kubectl``
commands: as with the ["cafe" example](/examples/hello), assume that
``$ADDR`` is the the external address of the Kubernetes cluster, and
that ``$PORT`` is the external port for which requests are received by
Varnish Services implementing Ingress.
For requests without credentials, responses with status
``401 Unauthorized`` are received with the ``WWW-Authenticate`` header
specifying the realm, and also the ``charset`` field in the case of
$ curl -v -H 'Host:' http://$ADDR:$PORT/coffee
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="coffee", charset="UTF-8"
$ curl -v -H 'Host:' http://$ADDR:$PORT/tea
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="tea"
Requests with credentials from the respective Secret succeed:
$ curl --user foo:bar -v -H 'Host:' http://$ADDR:$PORT/coffee
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
$ curl --user tea-admin:awesomeness -v -H 'Host:' http:/$ADDR:$PORT//tea
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Requests that are not routed to either Service according to the
Ingress rules get the 404 Not Found response as before, without
requiring authentication:
$ curl -v -H 'Host:' http://$ADDR:$PORT/milk
< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
## Proxy Authentication
For the example of Proxy Authentication, we apply another Secret named
``proxy-creds``, and a VarnishConfig resource that specifies
``type:proxy`` in the ``auth`` element:
$ kubectl apply -f proxy-auth-secrets.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f proxy-auth.yaml
This configuration sets the realm to "ingress", and applies
unconditionally to all requests:
- realm: ingress
secretName: proxy-creds
type: proxy
As with Basic Authentication, it is also possible to use the
```` and ``condition.url-match`` fields to
restrict the requests for which the authentication is required (but
Proxy Authentication typically applies to all requests).
To verify with curl, we use the ``-x`` (or ``--proxy``) argument to
specify ``$ADDR:$PORT`` as the proxy, and send the request with an
ordinary URI for the example domain. Credentials for a proxy are
supplied with the ``--proxy-user`` argument:
# Request without credentials for proxy authentication:
$ curl -v -x $ADDR:$PORT
> GET HTTP/1.1
> Host:
< HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required
< Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="ingress"
# With credentials:
$ curl --proxy-user proxy-admin:studly -v -x $ADDR:$PORT
> GET HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Proxy-Authorization: Basic cHJveHktYWRtaW46c3R1ZGx5
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
# Sample configurations for Basic Authentication.
apiVersion: ""
kind: VarnishConfig
name: basic-auth-cfg
# The services array is required and must have at least one element.
# Lists the Service names of Varnish services in the same namespace
# to which this config is to be applied.
- varnish-ingress
# Require Basic Authentication for both the coffee and tea Services.
# For the coffee Service, require authentication for the realm
# "coffee" when the Host is "" and the URL path
# begins with "/coffee". Username/password pairs are taken from
# the Secret "coffee-creds" in the same namespace, and clients
# are advised that they are encoded with UTF-8.
- realm: coffee
secretName: coffee-creds
type: basic
utf8: true
host-match: ^cafe\.example\.com$
url-match: ^/coffee($|/)
# For the tea Service, require authentication for the realm "tea"
# when the Host is "" and the URL path begins with
# "/tea", with usernames/passwords from the Secret
# "tea-creds". Note that the "type" defaults to basic and can be
# left out.
- realm: tea
secretName: tea-creds
host-match: ^cafe\.example\.com$
url-match: ^/tea($|/)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: coffee-creds
app: varnish-ingress
type: Opaque
coffee-admin: superpowers
foo: bar
baz: quux
Aladdin: open sesame
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: tea-creds
app: varnish-ingress
type: Opaque
tea-admin: awesomeness
valerian: sleep
matcha: wakeup
AlbertAddin: open sez me
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: proxy-creds
app: varnish-ingress
type: Opaque
proxy-admin: studly
proxy-user: password1
# Sample configuration for Proxy Authentication.
apiVersion: ""
kind: VarnishConfig
name: proxy-auth-cfg
# The services array is required and must have at least one element.
# Lists the Service names of Varnish services in the same namespace
# to which this config is to be applied.
- varnish-ingress
# Require Proxy Authentication for the realm "ingress" for every
# request, using usernames/passwords from the Secret "proxy-creds".
- realm: ingress
secretName: proxy-creds
type: proxy
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