Commit 2e9c1aa7 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Remove obsolete un/deployment scripts (use make instead).

parent 6e042868
#! /bin/bash -ex
kubectl delete -f controller.yaml
kubectl delete -f backendcfg-crd.yaml
kubectl delete -f varnishcfg-crd.yaml
kubectl delete -f rbac-controller.yaml
kubectl delete -f serviceaccount-controller.yaml
kubectl wait --timeout=2m pod -n kube-system -l app=varnish-ingress-controller \
#! /bin/bash -ex
kubectl apply -f serviceaccount-varnish.yaml
kubectl apply -f rbac-varnish.yaml
kubectl apply -f adm-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f varnish.yaml
kubectl apply -f admin-svc.yaml
kubectl apply -f nodeport.yaml
#! /bin/bash -ex
kubectl apply -f serviceaccount-controller.yaml
kubectl apply -f rbac-controller.yaml
kubectl apply -f varnishcfg-crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f backendcfg-crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f controller.yaml
#! /bin/bash -ex
MYDIR=$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})
source ${MYDIR}/../test/
kubectl delete -f nodeport.yaml
kubectl delete -f admin-svc.yaml
kubectl delete -f varnish.yaml
kubectl delete -f adm-secret.yaml
kubectl delete -f rbac-varnish.yaml
kubectl delete -f serviceaccount-varnish.yaml
echo Waiting until varnish-ingress Pods are deleted
wait_until_deleted app=varnish-ingress
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