Commit 314f2e38 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Docs about metrics.

parent ad6cd3bc
......@@ -72,6 +72,21 @@ $ kubectl apply -f controller.yaml
The ``image`` in the manifest must specify the controller (named
``varnish-ingress/controller`` above).
The manifest specifies a ``containerPort`` for HTTP, at which the
controller listens for the ``/metrics`` endpoint to publish
[metrics]( suitable for integration with
- name: http
containerPort: 8080
The default value for the port number is 8080; to set a different
value, use the ``-metricsport`` [command-line option](
for the controller.
It does *not* make sense to deploy more than one replica of the
controller. If there are more controllers, all of them will connect to
the Varnish instances and send them the same administrative
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ The docs in this folder cover these topics:
* [``BackendConfig`` Custom Resource](
* [controller command-line options](
* [customizing the Pod template]( for Varnish
* [metrics]( published by the controller
* [Logging, Events and the Varnish Service monitor](
......@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ cluster.
* Ingress controller log
* Kubernetes Events generated by the controller
* Varnish Service monitor
* [metrics]( published by the controller at the
``/metrics`` endpoint, suitable for integration with
See the [metrics reference]( for details about the
metrics. The other subjects are covered in the following.
## Ingress controller log
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ Usage of ./k8s-ingress:
log to standard error instead of files
-masterurl string
cluster master URL, for out-of-cluster runs
-metricsport uint
port at which to listen for the /metrics endpoint (default 8080)
-monitorintvl duration
interval at which the monitor thread checks and updates
instances of Varnish that implement Ingress.
......@@ -87,6 +89,14 @@ deactivated for values <= 0. The monitor sleeps this long between
monitor runs for Varnish Services. See the documentation at the link
for more details.
``-metricsport`` (default 8080) sets the port number at which the
controller listens for the HTTP endpoint ``/metrics`` to publish
[metrics](/docs/ that are suitable for integration with
[Prometheus]( It
must match the value of the ``containerPort`` configured for ``http``
in the [Pod template](/deploy/controller.yaml) for the controller
(cf. the [deplyoment instructions](/deploy#deploy-the-controller)).
``-log-level`` sets the log level for the main controller code,
``INFO`` by default.
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