Commit 7767fa55 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons Committed by Tim Leers

Raise some debugging log levels from trace to debug.

parent f91d2521
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) getVarnishSvcForIng(
worker.log.Debugf("Cluster Varnish Services for Ingress: %+v", svcs)
if varnishSvc, exists := ing.Annotations[varnishSvcKey]; exists {
worker.log.Tracef("Ingress %s/%s has annotation %s:%s",
worker.log.Debugf("Ingress %s/%s has annotation %s:%s",
ing.Namespace, ing.Name, varnishSvcKey, varnishSvc)
targetNs, targetSvc, err :=
......@@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) getVarnishSvcForIng(
return svc, nil
worker.log.Tracef("Ingress %s/%s: Varnish Service %s not found",
worker.log.Debugf("Ingress %s/%s: Varnish Service %s not found",
ing.Namespace, ing.Name, varnishSvc)
return nil, nil
worker.log.Tracef("Ingress %s/%s does not have annotation %s",
worker.log.Debugf("Ingress %s/%s does not have annotation %s",
ing.Namespace, ing.Name, varnishSvcKey)
if len(svcs) == 1 {
worker.log.Tracef("Exactly one Varnish Ingress Service "+
worker.log.Debugf("Exactly one Varnish Ingress Service "+
"cluster-wide: %s", svcs[0])
return svcs[0], nil
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) getVarnishSvcForIng(
worker.log.Debugf("Namespace Varnish Services for Ingress: %+v", svcs)
if len(svcs) == 1 {
worker.log.Tracef("Exactly one Varnish Ingress Service "+
worker.log.Debugf("Exactly one Varnish Ingress Service "+
"in namespace %s: %s", worker.namespace, svcs[0])
return svcs[0], nil
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