Commit 78ae6f86 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Add a README to the examples/ folder.

parent 9cbf4214
# Example Ingress
The YAML configurations in this folder create sample Services and an
Ingress to test and demonstrate the Ingress implementation -- the
"cafe" example, inspired by existing Ingress projects.
# Create the Services "coffee-svc" and "tea-svc"
$ kubectl create -f cafe.yaml
# Create an Ingress that routes requests to the two Services
$ kubectl create -f cafe-ingress.yaml
To note:
* The Ingress has the annotation ``
"varnish"``, identifying it as an Ingress to be implemented by the
Varnish controller (the Varnish controller ignores any Ingress that
does not have this annotation).
* Both the Ingress and the Services are created in the
``varnish-ingress`` namespace, as are the resources defined by the
configurations in the [``deploy/``](/deploy) folder. The controller
currently ignores all definitions that are not defined in the same
namespace as the Pod in which it is running (this is likely to
become more flexible in future development).
The Ingress rules in the example require that:
* Every request has ```` as the value of its ``Host``
* Otherwise, Varnish answers with a synthetic 404 Not Found
* If the URL path begins with ``/tea``, then the request is routed
to the Service ``tea-svc``.
* If the path begins with ``/coffee``, then the request is routed
to the Service ``coffee-svc``.
* For any other URL path, Varnish responds with 404 Not Found.
In the following, assume that ``$ADDR`` is the external address at
which the Kubernetes cluster receives requests, and that ``$PORT`` is
the external port for which requests are received by Varnish. (For example,
the port may have resulted from the NodePort definition in
Then for this curl command:
$ curl -H 'Host:' 'http://$ADDR:$PORT/coffee/foo/bar
... you may receive a response body like this:
Server address:
Server name: coffee-6c47b9cb9c-ldljf
Date: 21/Nov/2018:15:58:47 +0000
URI: /coffee
Request ID: f78d60f0d578792fa76a114d9cb73798
The "Server address" and "Server name" values indicate that the
response was generated by the coffee Service.
For this command:
$ curl -H 'Host:' 'http://$ADDR:$PORT/tea/baz/quux
... you may receive a response body like this:
Server address:
Server name: tea-58d4697745-wq278
Date: 21/Nov/2018:16:05:32 +0000
URI: /tea/baz/quux
Request ID: 5cffc81f3be0d98d005257f39c874693
This response was generated by the tea Service.
These commands lead to a 404 Not Found response for the reasons given:
# Does not include the required Host header
$ curl 'http://$ADDR:$PORT/coffee/foo/bar
# URL path does not begin with either of /coffee or /tea
$ curl -H 'Host:' 'http://$ADDR:$PORT/milk
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