Commit 7f5fa5b0 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Add docs for the controller CLI options.

parent 3154200f
......@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ Command-line options for the controller invocation can be set using the
- -log-level=info
See the [command-line option reference](/docs/ for
## Deploying Varnish as an Ingress
These steps are executed for each namespace in which Varnish is to be
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ The docs in this folder cover these topics:
* Technical references: authoritative documentation for these subjects:
* [``VarnishConfig`` Custom Resource](
* [controller command-line options](
* [Varnish as a Kubernetes Ingress](
# Controller command-line options
The [controller executable](/docs/ ``k8s-ingress`` can
be started with command-line options, and these can be specified
in the [``args`` section](/deploy) of a [manifest](/deploy/controller.yaml)
that configures use of the container.
$ k8s-ingress --help
Usage of ./k8s-ingress:
log to standard error as well as files
-kubeconfig string
config path for the cluster master URL, for out-of-cluster runs
-log-level string
log level: one of PANIC, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG,
or TRACE (default "INFO")
-log_backtrace_at value
when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
-log_dir string
If non-empty, write log files in this directory
log to standard error instead of files
-masterurl string
cluster master URL, for out-of-cluster runs
-namespace string
namespace in which to listen for resources (default all)
-stderrthreshold value
logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
-templatedir string
directory of templates for VCL generation. Defaults to
the TEMPLATE_DIR env variable, if set, or the
current working directory when the ingress
controller is invoked
-v value
log level for V logs
print version and exit
-vmodule value
comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
``-kubeconfig`` and ``-masterurl`` can be used to run the controller
$ k8s-ingress --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config
$ k8s-ingress -masterurl=
Out-of-cluster runs are mainly useful for quick tests during
development, for example with minikube, to skip the steps of
re-building and re-deploying the container image. These options should
not be used to run the controller in-cluster.
``-namespace ns`` restricts the controller to the namespace ``ns`` --
it only watches for Ingresses, Services and so on in the given
namespace. This may be necessary, for example, to deploy the
controller in an environment in which you do not have the
authorization to set up [RBAC](/deploy) so that the controller can run
in ``kube-system`` and watch all namespaces. See the
[examples](/examples/namespace) for a full example of a
single-namespace configuration. The controller watches all namespaces
by default.
``-log-level`` sets the log level for the main controller code,
``INFO`` by default.
``-version`` prints the controller version and exits. ``-help`` prints
the usage message shown above and exits.
The remaining options exist because
[code generated for the client API](/docs/ import the
[glog]( logger.
* ``-alsologtostderr``
* ``-log_backtrace_at``
* ``-log_dir``
* ``-logtostderr``
* ``-stderrthreshold``
* ``-v``
* ``-vmodule``
glog is in fact used minimally by the controller (only by the
generated code); logging is primarily controlled by the ``-log-level``
# Restricting the Ingress controller to a single namespace
This folder contains an example of the use of the ``-namespace``
argument of the Ingress controller to limit its actions to Services,
Ingresses, Secrets and so on to a single namespace. The controller can
then be deployed in that namespace. You may need to do so, for
example, due to limits on authorization in the cluster.
This folder contains an example of the use of the
[``-namespace`` option](/docs/ of the Ingress
controller to limit its actions to Services, Ingresses, Secrets and so
on to a single namespace. The controller can then be deployed in that
namespace. You may need to do so, for example, due to limits on
authorization in the cluster.
The sample manifests use ``varnish-ingress`` as the example namespace,
and re-uses the ["cafe" example](/examples/hello), with Services and
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