Commit 82213cbf authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Add helm deployments and a Makefile for the ExternalName example/test.

parent 6951ff96
externalName: coffee-svc.default.svc.cluster.local
# For requests routed to coffee-external-svc:
# - The first byte timeout is three seconds.
# - The between bytes timeout is two seconds.
first-byte-timeout: 3s
between-bytes-timeout: 2s
# Health probe for coffee-external-svc:
# - Requests are send as shown in the request array.
# - Timeout three seconds.
# - Three of four good probes are required for the Endpoint to
# count as healthy.
- GET /coffee/healthz HTTP/1.1
- "Host:"
- "Connection: close"
timeout: 3s
interval: 3s
window: 4
threshold: 3
initial: 3
# Configuration specific to ExternalName Services
dnsRetryDelay: 25s
domainUsageTimeout: 3h
firstLookupTimeout: 20s
resolverTimeout: 1m
resolverIdleTimeout: 10m
maxDNSQueries: 200
externalName: tea-svc.default.svc.cluster.local
servicePort: 81
targetPort: 80
# For requests routed to tea-external-svc:
# - The Host header is set to if it is missing from
# the request.
# - The connect timeout (for opening new connections to an Endpoint)
# is one second.
# - The first byte timeout (until the first byte of a backend response
# header is received) is two seconds.
# - The between bytes timeout (while a response is being received)
# is one second.
# - No more than 200 connections to an Endpoint may be opened.
connect-timeout: 1s
first-byte-timeout: 2s
between-bytes-timeout: 1s
max-connections: 200
# Health probe requests for Endpoints of tea-external-svc:
# - Request URL path is /tea/healthz
# - Health probes are good when the response code is 200.
# - Five second timeout to receive responses.
# - Probes are sent every five seconds.
# - Two of three probes must be good for the Endpoint to count as
# healthy.
# - At startup, one probe is implicitly assumed to be good.
url: /tea/healthz
expected-response: 200
timeout: 5s
interval: 5s
initial: 2
window: 3
threshold: 2
# Configuration specific to ExternalName Services:
# - dnsRetryDelay (VCL duration): delay until a DNS lookup is retried
# after a lookup gets negative results. Default 30s
# - domainUsageTimeout (VCL duration): delay until an unused domain
# and its backends are removed. Default 2h
# - firstLookupTimeout (VCL duration): delay until a lookup is failed
# when a domain is requested the first time and there is no response
# from the name service. Default 10s
# - resolverTimeout (VCL duration): timeout for DNS lookups
# - resolverIdleTimeout (VCL duration): timeout for idle DNS connections
# (no outstanding responses and no pending queries)
# - maxDNSQueries (integer >= 0 and <= 65535): maximum number of
# outstanding DNS queries. Queries above the limit are queued.
# - followDNSRedirects (boolean): whether DNS queries follow redirects
# (CNAME and DNAME). Default true
dnsRetryDelay: 20s
domainUsageTimeout: 1h
firstLookupTimeout: 15s
resolverTimeout: 45s
resolverIdleTimeout: 5m
maxDNSQueries: 100
followDNSRedirects: true
image: nginxdemos/hello:plain-text
replicas: 2
app: coffee
example: externalname
image: nginxdemos/hello:plain-text
replicas: 3
app: tea
example: externalname
name: cafe-ingress
- host:
- path: /tea
app: tea-external
servicePort: 81
- path: /coffee
app: coffee-external
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