Commit 831b25c2 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Add the sync_result_total counter vector.

parent 314c607e
......@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncBcfg(key string) error {
// CRD validation should prevent this.
worker.log.Warnf("BackendConfig %s/%s: no services defined, "+
"ignoring", bcfg.Namespace, bcfg.Name)
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "BackendConfig",
return nil
......@@ -256,9 +256,28 @@ func (ingc *IngressController) updateObj(old, new interface{}) {
ingc.log.Infof("Update %s %s/%s: unchanged",
t.GetKind(), oldMeta.GetNamespace(),
t.GetKind(), "Ignore").Inc()
} else {
ingc.log.Infof("Update %s/%s: unchanged",
kind := "Unknown"
switch old.(type) {
case *extensions.Ingress:
kind = "Ingress"
case *api_v1.Service:
kind = "Service"
case *api_v1.Endpoints:
kind = "Endpoints"
case *api_v1.Secret:
kind = "Secret"
case *vcr_v1alpha1.VarnishConfig:
kind = "VarnishConfig"
case *vcr_v1alpha1.BackendConfig:
kind = "BackendConfig"
ingc.log.Infof("Update %s %s/%s: unchanged", kind,
oldMeta.GetNamespace(), oldMeta.GetName())
kind, "Ignore").Inc()
......@@ -272,6 +291,8 @@ func (ingc *IngressController) updateObj(old, new interface{}) {
ingc.log.Infof("Update endpoints %s/%s: empty Subsets, ignoring",
newEndp.Namespace, newEndp.Name)
"Endpoints", "Ignore").Inc()
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncEndp(key string) error {
if err != nil {
worker.log.Warnf("Cannot get service for endpoints %s/%s, "+
"ignoring", worker.namespace, key)
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "Endpoints",
return nil
......@@ -56,6 +58,8 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncEndp(key string) error {
if len(ings) == 0 {
worker.log.Debugf("No ingresses for endpoints: %s/%s",
worker.namespace, key)
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "Endpoints",
return nil
......@@ -555,6 +555,8 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncIng(key string) error {
worker.log.Infof("Ignoring Ingress %s/%s, Annotation '%v' "+
"absent or is not 'varnish'", ing.Namespace, ing.Name,
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "Ingress",
return nil
return worker.addOrUpdateIng(ing)
......@@ -119,14 +119,22 @@ func (_ promProvider) NewRetriesMetric(name string) workqueue.CounterMetric {
return retries
var watchCounters map[string]map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter = map[string]map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter{
"Ingress": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
"Service": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
"Endpoints": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
"Secret": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
"VarnishConfig": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
"BackendConfig": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
var (
watchCounters map[string]map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter = map[string]map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter{
"Ingress": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
"Service": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
"Endpoints": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
"Secret": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
"VarnishConfig": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
"BackendConfig": make(map[SyncType]prometheus.Counter),
syncCounters = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: "sync",
Name: "result_total",
Help: "Total number of synchronization results",
}, []string{"namespace", "kind", "result"})
func InitMetrics() {
......@@ -152,6 +160,7 @@ func InitMetrics() {
func ServeMetrics(log *logrus.Logger, port uint16) {
......@@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSecret(key string) error {
if !ok || app != labelVal {
worker.log.Infof("Not a Varnish secret: %s/%s",
secret.Namespace, secret.Name)
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "Secret",
return nil
......@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) getIngsForSvc(
if len(ings) == 0 {
worker.log.Infof("No Varnish Ingresses defined for service %s/%s",
svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "Service",
return ings, nil
......@@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncVcfg(key string) error {
// CRD validation should prevent this.
worker.log.Infof("VarnishConfig %s/%s: no services defined, "+
"ignoring", vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name)
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "VarnishConfig",
return nil
......@@ -84,29 +84,37 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) event(obj interface{}, evtType, reason,
if syncObj, ok := obj.(*SyncObj); ok {
eventObj = syncObj.Obj
kind := "Unknown"
switch eventObj.(type) {
case *extensions.Ingress:
ing, _ := eventObj.(*extensions.Ingress)
worker.recorder.Eventf(ing, evtType, reason, msgFmt, args...)
kind = "Ingress"
case *api_v1.Service:
svc, _ := eventObj.(*api_v1.Service)
worker.recorder.Eventf(svc, evtType, reason, msgFmt, args...)
kind = "Service"
case *api_v1.Endpoints:
endp, _ := eventObj.(*api_v1.Endpoints)
worker.recorder.Eventf(endp, evtType, reason, msgFmt, args...)
kind = "Endpoints"
case *api_v1.Secret:
secr, _ := eventObj.(*api_v1.Secret)
worker.recorder.Eventf(secr, evtType, reason, msgFmt, args...)
kind = "Secret"
case *ving_v1alpha1.VarnishConfig:
vcfg, _ := eventObj.(*ving_v1alpha1.VarnishConfig)
worker.recorder.Eventf(vcfg, evtType, reason, msgFmt, args...)
kind = "VarnishConfig"
case *ving_v1alpha1.BackendConfig:
bcfg, _ := eventObj.(*ving_v1alpha1.BackendConfig)
worker.recorder.Eventf(bcfg, evtType, reason, msgFmt, args...)
kind = "BackendConfig"
worker.log.Warnf("Unhandled type %T, no event generated",
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, kind, reason).Inc()
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) infoEvent(obj interface{}, reason, msgFmt string,
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