Commit c24bacb8 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Minor doc polish.

parent 0b0d0722
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ written to configure the cluster.
## Packages
In addition to the packages in the ``pkg/client`` discussed above,
In addition to the packages in ``pkg/client`` discussed above,
packages in the source are distinguished according to the separation
of concerns for the controller:
......@@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ Targets in the Makefile:
target; run only when needed, for example when types in ``types.go``
have been updated, or when a new API version is introduced.
* ``build``: runs ``vgo generate`` (to run ``gogitversion``) ``vgo fmt``,
and build the code in ``pkg/`` and ``cmd/``. The executable is *not*
* ``build``: runs ``vgo generate`` (to run ``gogitversion``),
``vgo fmt``, and builds the code in ``pkg/`` and ``cmd/``. The
executable is *not* built.
* ``k8s-ingress``: runs the ``build`` target, and builds the
controller executable.
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