Commit d3ef8f86 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Update the haproxy container's base image, and the haproxy version.

The base image is now debian slim 12.2 (bookworm), and haproxy is
version 2.6.12.

This requires seom additional CLI arguments in the dataplaneapi
parent 3800c8b1
ARG go_version=1.21
ARG debian_tag=11.2-slim
ARG debian_tag=12.2-slim
# Build k8s-crt-dnldr in the builder stage
FROM golang:${go_version} as builder
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ RUN cd /go && git clone && \
# Build haproxy
FROM debian:${debian_tag}
ARG haproxy_version=2.2.9-2+deb11u5
ARG haproxy_version=2.6.12-1
RUN apt-get update -q && \
apt-get install -y -q haproxy=${haproxy_version} && \
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ userlist controller
user dataplaneapi insecure-password %%SECRET_DATAPLANEAPI%%
program api
command /usr/bin/dataplaneapi --host= --port=5555 --haproxy-bin /usr/sbin/haproxy --reload-cmd "/bin/kill -SIGUSR2 1" --restart-cmd "/bin/kill -SIGUSR2 1" -i --log-to=stdout --log-level=info -f=/run/haproxy/dataplaneapi.hcl -c /run/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p /run/haproxy/maps --ssl-certs-dir=/etc/ssl/private --spoe-dir=/run/haproxy/spoe --general-storage-dir=/run/haproxy/general
command /usr/bin/dataplaneapi --host= --port=5555 --haproxy-bin /usr/sbin/haproxy --reload-cmd "/bin/kill -SIGUSR2 1" --restart-cmd "/bin/kill -SIGUSR2 1" -i --log-to=stdout --log-level=info -f=/run/haproxy/dataplaneapi.hcl -c /run/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p /run/haproxy/maps --ssl-certs-dir=/etc/ssl/private --spoe-dir=/run/haproxy/spoe --general-storage-dir=/run/haproxy/general --max-open-transactions=100
no option start-on-reload
program crt-dnldr
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