Commit deb54897 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons Committed by Tim Leers

Fix the example Secret value for the dataplane API.

It had a newline after the password string.
parent 5694f93a
......@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ metadata:
type: Opaque
admin: XGASQn0dd/oEsWh5WMXUpmKAKNZYnQGsHSmO/nHkv1w=
dataplaneapi: ZTI0YmIzMTItY2IyMS00NmQ2LWFhZWMtOGFlNjc2ZjA2ZmVhCg==
dataplaneapi: ZTI0YmIzMTItY2IyMS00NmQ2LWFhZWMtOGFlNjc2ZjA2ZmVh
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