Commit e0d9cc41 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Generalize the 'conditions' used to restrict ACL matches.

'compare' can be one of equal, not-equal, match or non-match.

'value' is either a fixed string for (in)equality tests, or a
regex to test for (non-)match.
parent 84b98dc4
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ spec:
maximum: 599
type: string
pattern: "^((client|server|local|remote)\\.ip|xff-(first|2ndlast)|req\\.http\\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~]+)$"
pattern: "^((client|server|local|remote)\\.ip|xff-(first|2ndlast)|req\\.http\\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+.^_`|~-]+)$"
type: array
minItems: 1
......@@ -136,17 +136,21 @@ spec:
type: object
- comparand
- regex
- match
- value
type: string
pattern: "^req\\.(url|http\\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~]+)$"
pattern: "^req\\.(url|http\\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+.^_`|~-]+)$"
- equal
- not-equal
- match
- not-match
type: string
type: string
minLength: 1
type: boolean
kind: VarnishConfig
......@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ When ``type`` is ``whitelist``, the failure response is sent when an
IP does not match the ACL. For ``blacklist``, the failure response is
invoked for an IP that does match the ACL.
``comparand`` specifies the IP value against which the ACL is matched,
and can have one of these values:
``comparand`` (the "thing to be compared") specifies the IP value
against which the ACL is matched, and can have one of these values:
* ``client.ip``: interpreted as in
......@@ -411,16 +411,34 @@ X-Forwarded-For:,
If ``conditions`` are specified for an ACL, they define restrictions
for executing the match. Each element of ``conditions`` must specify
these three fields (all required):
these two required fields:
* ``comparand`` (string): either ``req.url`` or ``req.http.$HEADER``,
where ``$HEADER`` is the name of a client request header.
* ``regex``: a regular expression
* ``value`` (string): the value against which the ``comparand``
is compared
* ``match`` (boolean): whether the condition term succeeds if the
``comparand`` does or does not match ``regex`` -- ``true`` for
match, ``false`` for no-match.
``conditions`` may also have this optional field:
* ``compare``: one of the following (default ``equal``):
* ``equal`` for string equality
* ``not-equal`` for string inequality
* ``match`` for regex match
* ``not-match`` for regex non-match
If ``compare`` is ``equal`` or ``not-equal``, then ``value`` is
interpreted as a fixed string, and ``comparand`` is tested for
(in)equality with ``value``. Otherwise, ``value`` is interpreted as a
regular expression, and the ``comparand`` is tested for
(non-)match. Regexen are implemented as
[VCL regular expressions](,
and hence have the syntax and semantics of
The ACL match is executed only if all of the ``conditions`` succeed;
in other words, the ``conditions`` are the boolean AND of all of the
......@@ -433,11 +451,10 @@ when the URL begins with "/tea", and the Host header is exactly
- comparand: req.url
match: true
regex: ^/tea(/|$)
compare: match
value: ^/tea(/|$)
- comparand: req.http.Host
match: yes
regex: ^cafe\.example\.com$
See the [``examples/`` folder](/examples/acl) for working examples
......@@ -74,11 +74,10 @@ The next example re-creates the ACL shown as an example in
type: whitelist
- comparand: req.url
match: true
regex: ^/tea(/|$)
compare: match
value: ^/tea(/|$)
- comparand: req.http.Host
match: yes
regex: ^cafe\.example\.com$
Addresses that match the ACL are:
......@@ -109,6 +108,9 @@ The ``conditions`` specify that the ACL match is executed when:
* the URL path begins with "/tea"
* the Host header is exactly ""
* The ``compare`` field is left out of the condition for
``req.http.Host``, so it defaults to the value ``equal``,
meaning compare for string equality.
According to the Ingress in the ["cafe" example](/examples/hello),
requests are routed to the Service ``tea-svc`` under these
......@@ -175,11 +177,11 @@ The next example defines a blacklist for the ranges 192.0.20/24 and
fail-status: 404
- comparand: req.url
match: true
regex: ^/coffee/black(/|$)
compare: match
value: ^/coffee/black(/|$)
- comparand: req.http.Host
match: yes
regex: ^cafe\.example\.com$
compare: equal
Type ``blacklist`` means that the failure status is returned for IPs
......@@ -271,11 +273,10 @@ The final example defines a blacklist for the range
type: blacklist
- comparand: req.url
match: true
regex: ^/coffee(/|$)
compare: match
value: ^/coffee(/|$)
- comparand: req.http.Host
match: yes
regex: ^cafe\.example\.com$
The ``comparand`` is ``xff-2ndlast``, which means that the ACL is
......@@ -71,11 +71,10 @@ spec:
type: whitelist
- comparand: req.url
match: true
regex: ^/tea(/|$)
compare: match
value: ^/tea(/|$)
- comparand: req.http.Host
match: yes
regex: ^cafe\.example\.com$
# This ACL defines a blacklist:
# 192.0.20/24 and
......@@ -105,11 +104,11 @@ spec:
fail-status: 404
- comparand: req.url
match: true
regex: ^/coffee/black(/|$)
compare: match
value: ^/coffee/black(/|$)
- comparand: req.http.Host
match: yes
regex: ^cafe\.example\.com$
compare: equal
# This ACL defines a blacklist for
......@@ -137,8 +136,7 @@ spec:
type: blacklist
- comparand: req.url
match: true
regex: ^/coffee(/|$)
compare: match
value: ^/coffee(/|$)
- comparand: req.http.Host
match: yes
regex: ^cafe\.example\.com$
......@@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ type ACLAddress struct {
Negate bool `json:"negate,omitempty"`
// Condition represents a term in a boolean expression -- match or
// non-match against a VCL object.
// Condition represents a term in a boolean expression -- test the
// Comparand against Value for equality or regex match.
type Condition struct {
Comparand string `json:"comparand,omitempty"`
Regex string `json:"regex,omitempty"`
Match bool `json:"match,omitempty"`
Comparand string `json:"comparand,omitempty"`
Compare CompareType `json:"compare,omitempty"`
Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`
// ACLType classifies an ACL.
......@@ -139,6 +139,20 @@ const (
Blacklist = "blacklist"
// CompareType classifies a string comparison.
type CompareType string
const (
// Equal means compare strings with ==.
Equal CompareType = "equal"
// NotEqual means compare with !=.
NotEqual = "not-equal"
// Match means compare with ~ (the Value is a regex).
Match = "match"
// NotMatch means compare with !~.
NotMatch = "not-match"
// VarnishConfigStatus is the status for a VarnishConfig resource
// type VarnishConfigStatus struct {
// AvailableReplicas int32 `json:"availableReplicas"`
......@@ -319,14 +319,15 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) configACL(spec *vcl.Spec,
vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name)
return nil
spec.ACLs = make([]vcl.ACL, 0, len(vcfg.Spec.ACLs))
for _, acl := range vcfg.Spec.ACLs {
worker.log.Debugf("VarnishConfig %s/%s configuring VCL ACL "+
"from: %+v", vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name, acl)
spec.ACLs = make([]vcl.ACL, len(vcfg.Spec.ACLs))
for i, acl := range vcfg.Spec.ACLs {
worker.log.Infof("VarnishConfig %s/%s configuring ACL %s",
vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name, acl.Name)
worker.log.Debugf("ACL %s: %+v", acl.Name, acl)
vclACL := vcl.ACL{
Name: acl.Name,
Addresses: make([]vcl.ACLAddress, 0, len(acl.Addresses)),
Conditions: make([]vcl.MatchTerm, 0, len(acl.Conditions)),
Addresses: make([]vcl.ACLAddress, len(acl.Addresses)),
Conditions: make([]vcl.MatchTerm, len(acl.Conditions)),
if acl.Comparand == "" {
vclACL.Comparand = defACLcomparand
......@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) configACL(spec *vcl.Spec,
} else {
vclACL.FailStatus = uint16(*acl.FailStatus)
for _, addr := range acl.Addresses {
for j, addr := range acl.Addresses {
vclAddr := vcl.ACLAddress{
Addr: addr.Address,
Negate: addr.Negate,
......@@ -351,19 +352,28 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) configACL(spec *vcl.Spec,
} else {
vclAddr.MaskBits = uint8(*addr.MaskBits)
vclACL.Addresses = append(vclACL.Addresses, vclAddr)
vclACL.Addresses[j] = vclAddr
for _, cond := range acl.Conditions {
for j, cond := range acl.Conditions {
vclMatch := vcl.MatchTerm{
Comparand: cond.Comparand,
Regex: cond.Regex,
Match: cond.Match,
Value: cond.Value,
vclACL.Conditions = append(vclACL.Conditions, vclMatch)
switch cond.Compare {
case vcr_v1alpha1.Equal:
vclMatch.Compare = vcl.Equal
case vcr_v1alpha1.NotEqual:
vclMatch.Compare = vcl.NotEqual
case vcr_v1alpha1.Match:
vclMatch.Compare = vcl.Match
case vcr_v1alpha1.NotMatch:
vclMatch.Compare = vcl.NotMatch
vclACL.Conditions[j] = vclMatch
worker.log.Debugf("VarnishConfig %s/%s add VCL ACL config: "+
"%+v", vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name, vclACL)
spec.ACLs = append(spec.ACLs, vclACL)
spec.ACLs[i] = vclACL
return nil
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ sub vcl_recv {
{{- range .ACLs}}
if (
{{- range $cond := .Conditions}}
{{$cond.Comparand}} {{if not .Match}}!{{end}}~ "{{.Regex}}" &&
{{$cond.Comparand}} {{cmpRelation .Compare}} "{{.Value}}" &&
{{- end}}
{{aclCmp .Comparand}} {{if .Whitelist}}!{{end}}~ {{aclName .Name}}
) {
......@@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ acl vk8s_local_acl {
sub vcl_recv {
if (
req.http.Host ~ "^cafe\.example\.com$" &&
req.http.Host == "" &&
req.url ~ "^/coffee(/|$)" &&
client.ip !~ vk8s_man_vcl_example_acl
) {
if (
req.http.Host != "" &&
req.url !~ "^/tea(/|$)" &&
server.ip ~ vk8s_wikipedia_example_acl
) {
......@@ -242,20 +242,33 @@ func (a byACLAddr) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byACLAddr) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byACLAddr) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Addr < a[j].Addr }
// CompareType classifies comparisons for MatchTerm.
type CompareType uint8
const (
// Equal means compare strings for equality (==).
Equal CompareType = iota
// NotEqual means compare with !=.
// Match means compare for regex match (~) -- the MatchTerm
// Value is a regular expression.
// NotMatch means compare with !~.
// MatchTerm is a term describing the comparison of a VCL object with
// a pattern.
type MatchTerm struct {
Comparand string
Regex string
Match bool
Value string
Compare CompareType
func (match MatchTerm) hash(hash hash.Hash) {
if match.Match {
// interface for sorting []MatchTerm
......@@ -397,11 +410,12 @@ func (spec Spec) Canonical() Spec {
var fMap = template.FuncMap{
"plusOne": func(i int) int { return i + 1 },
"vclMangle": func(s string) string { return mangle(s) },
"aclMask": func(bits uint8) string { return aclMask(bits) },
"aclCmp": func(comparand string) string { return aclCmp(comparand) },
"hasXFF": func(acls []ACL) bool { return hasXFF(acls) },
"plusOne": func(i int) int { return i + 1 },
"vclMangle": func(s string) string { return mangle(s) },
"aclMask": func(bits uint8) string { return aclMask(bits) },
"aclCmp": func(comparand string) string { return aclCmp(comparand) },
"hasXFF": func(acls []ACL) bool { return hasXFF(acls) },
"cmpRelation": func(cmp CompareType) string { return cmpRelation(cmp) },
"backendName": func(svc Service, addr string) string {
return backendName(svc, addr)
......@@ -558,3 +572,18 @@ func hasXFF(acls []ACL) bool {
return false
func cmpRelation(cmp CompareType) string {
switch cmp {
case Equal:
return "=="
case NotEqual:
return "!="
case Match:
return "~"
case NotMatch:
return "!~"
......@@ -425,13 +425,13 @@ var acls = Spec{
Conditions: []MatchTerm{
Comparand: "req.http.Host",
Match: true,
Regex: `^cafe\.example\.com$`,
Compare: Equal,
Value: "",
Comparand: "req.url",
Match: true,
Regex: `^/coffee(/|$)`,
Compare: Match,
Value: `^/coffee(/|$)`,
......@@ -458,10 +458,15 @@ var acls = Spec{
Conditions: []MatchTerm{
Comparand: "req.http.Host",
Compare: NotEqual,
Value: "",
Comparand: "req.url",
Match: false,
Regex: `^/tea(/|$)`,
Compare: NotMatch,
Value: `^/tea(/|$)`,
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