
found by flexelint
parent a6d02b66
......@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ tree_free(struct vdp_ctx *vdx, struct node *node)
node_insert(struct bytes_tree *tree, struct node *parent,
node_insert(const struct bytes_tree *tree, struct node *parent,
struct node *node)
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ void node_fill_nodestock(struct ws *, struct node_head *);
struct pesi;
struct node *node_alloc(struct pesi *);
void node_insert(struct bytes_tree *, struct node *, struct node *);
void node_insert(const struct bytes_tree *, struct node *, struct node *);
void set_closed(struct bytes_tree *, struct node *);
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