Optimizations made possible with transport_hsh_cancel in Varnish-Cache

these optimizations are possible if Varnish-Cache accepts the
transport_hsh_cancel PR:

If the transport gets to decide when to call HSH_Cancel(), we can keep
references also to private leaf objects.

For ESI objects, which we also need to inspect when building the
delivery tree, we still need to make copies in pesi_buf_bytes because,
if the final flag to ObjIterate() is set, the storage engine can (and
usually will) free segments "behind" delivery.
parent 58c5026a
......@@ -735,8 +735,6 @@ push_subreq(struct req *req, struct bytes_tree *tree,
subreq = subreq_fixup(node, req);
AZ(subreq->objcore->flags & OC_F_FINAL);
* XXX how should we handle a failed subreq?
* https://github.com/varnishcache/varnish-cache/issues/3264
extern int block_final, front_push;
extern int front_push;
#define PF_HAS_TASK 1U
/* vcl-controlled flags */
#define PF_CFG_SERIAL (1U<<1)
#define PF_CFG_THREAD (1U<<2)
/* undocumented for now */
#define PF_CFG_BLOCK_FINAL (1U<<3)
#define PF_CFG_FRONT_PUSH (1U<<4)
#define PF_CFG_DEFAULT \
| (block_final ? PF_CFG_BLOCK_FINAL : 0) \
| (front_push ? PF_CFG_FRONT_PUSH : 0) \
#define PF_MASK_CFG \
......@@ -60,16 +60,6 @@
#include "misc.h"
/*lint -esym(843, block_final, front_push)
* we want to keep the option to tune these at runtime in a debugger
* whether to use blocking threads for final (private/hfm/fpm) objects
* if false, buffering will be used
int block_final = 0;
* whether to push bytes early
......@@ -222,14 +212,6 @@ vped_task(struct worker *wrk, void *priv)
switch (node->type) {
case T_FINAL:
assert(pesi == req->transport_priv);
req->transport_priv = NULL;
req_fini(&req, wrk);
task_fini(pesi_tasks, pesi);
case T_SUBREQ:
assert(pesi == req->transport_priv);
......@@ -428,27 +410,6 @@ vped_include(struct req *preq, const char *src, const char *host,
VSLdbgv(preq, "vped_include: attempt new thread req=%p", req);
if (pesi->flags & PF_CFG_BLOCK_FINAL) {
/* XXX because of T_FINAL blocking in the subreq thread, these
* threads *have* to run - which is why PF_CFG_BLOCK_FINAL is
* not available from VCL
* ordering should ensure that we run top->bottom left-right in
* the ESI tree, so delivery should be able to let T_FINAL
* threads run, and anything but T_FINAL should terminate
* eventually, but if we spend all available threads on T_FINAL,
* we're doomed.
* -- find a way to reserve or check for T_FINAL
* for now, force the other flags:
* - serial mode off
* - thread mode on
pesi->flags &= ~PF_CFG_SERIAL;
pesi->flags |= PF_CFG_THREAD;
if (pesi->flags & PF_CFG_SERIAL) {
vped_task(wrk, req);
return (0);
......@@ -482,7 +443,7 @@ vped_include(struct req *preq, const char *src, const char *host,
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* buffer/reference vdp bytes pushed from the pesi vdp
* or from storage
* for literal segments inbetween includes
static int v_matchproto_(vdp_init_f)
......@@ -557,18 +518,15 @@ pesi_buf_bytes(struct vdp_ctx *vdx, enum vdp_action act, void **priv,
* non-api knowledge from VDP_DeliverObj()
* final = req->objcore->flags & (OC_F_PRIVATE | OC_F_HFM | OC_F_HFP);
* if data is coming from a varnish-cache simple storage, we know that
* - for non-final objects
* - as long as we keep a reference
* as long as we keep a reference on a non-final object, it will
* not go away, so we can keep a reference only and avoid copying
* the storage will not go away, so any vector we get pushed will remain
* valid. We only do this check once
* XXX TODO: Add a way in varnish-cache to veto the final flag to
* ObjIterate() ?
if (VSTAILQ_FIRST(&parent->nexus.children) == NULL &&
(req->objcore->flags & OC_F_FINAL) == 0 &&
req->objcore->stobj->stevedore->methods == &SML_methods) {
if (parent->nexus.oc == NULL &&
(req->objcore->flags & OC_F_FINAL) == 0) {
parent->nexus.oc = req->objcore;
......@@ -583,6 +541,7 @@ pesi_buf_bytes(struct vdp_ctx *vdx, enum vdp_action act, void **priv,
node->data.ptr = ptr;
else {
AN(req->objcore->flags & OC_F_FINAL);
VSLdbg(vdx, "bytes_add: allocating storage buffer");
node->data.stvbuf = STV_AllocBuf(vdx->wrk, stv_transient, len);
if (node->data.stvbuf == NULL) {
......@@ -1275,19 +1234,6 @@ vped_close_vdp(struct req *req, int skip, const struct vdp *vdp)
vdc->nxt = nxt;
static const struct vdp *
vped_next_vdp(struct req *req)
struct vdp_entry *vdpe;
struct vdp_ctx *vdc;
vdc = req->vdc;
vdpe = VTAILQ_FIRST(&vdc->vdp);
return (vdpe->vdp);
static void
push_vdps(VRT_CTX, struct req *req, struct vped_gzgz_priv *vgzgz,
struct nexus_gzip *gz)
......@@ -1310,14 +1256,13 @@ push_vdps(VRT_CTX, struct req *req, struct vped_gzgz_priv *vgzgz,
static void v_matchproto_(vtr_deliver_f)
vped_deliver(struct req *req, struct boc *boc, int wantbody)
int obj_gzipped, obj_esi, obj_final;
int obj_gzipped, obj_esi;
struct pesi *pesi;
struct bytes_tree *tree;
struct node *node, *parent;
struct nexus_gzip *gz;
struct vped_gzgz_priv *vgzgz = NULL;
struct vrt_ctx ctx[1];
const struct vdp *vdp;
VSLdbgv(req, "vped_deliver: req=%p boc=%p wantbody=%d", req, boc,
......@@ -1340,6 +1285,7 @@ vped_deliver(struct req *req, struct boc *boc, int wantbody)
if (wantbody == 0) {
(void) VDP_Close(req->vdc);
HSH_Cancel(req->wrk, req->objcore, boc);
......@@ -1347,12 +1293,12 @@ vped_deliver(struct req *req, struct boc *boc, int wantbody)
ObjGetLen(req->wrk, req->objcore));
if (boc == NULL && ObjGetLen(req->wrk, req->objcore) == 0) {
(void) VDP_Close(req->vdc);
HSH_Cancel(req->wrk, req->objcore, boc);
obj_gzipped = ObjCheckFlag(req->wrk, req->objcore, OF_GZIPED);
obj_esi = ObjHasAttr(req->wrk, req->objcore, OA_ESIDATA);
obj_final = (req->objcore->flags & OC_F_FINAL) != 0;
gz = &parent->nexus.gzip;
......@@ -1368,6 +1314,7 @@ vped_deliver(struct req *req, struct boc *boc, int wantbody)
/* No way of signalling errors in the middle of
the ESI body. Omit this ESI fragment. */
(void) VDP_Close(req->vdc);
HSH_Cancel(req->wrk, req->objcore, boc);
......@@ -1376,6 +1323,7 @@ vped_deliver(struct req *req, struct boc *boc, int wantbody)
VSLb(req->vsl, SLT_Error,
"Insufficient workspace for ESI gzip data");
(void) VDP_Close(req->vdc);
HSH_Cancel(req->wrk, req->objcore, boc);
......@@ -1412,72 +1360,8 @@ vped_deliver(struct req *req, struct boc *boc, int wantbody)
vped_close_vdp(req, 0, &VDP_pesi_buf);
else if (obj_final && (pesi->flags & PF_CFG_BLOCK_FINAL) == 0) {
VSLdbg(req, "vped_deliver: T_NEXUS buffering no ESI");
AZ(VDP_Push(ctx, req->vdc, req->ws, &VDP_pesi_buf, pesi));
assert(parent->type == T_NEXUS);
push_vdps(ctx, req, vgzgz, gz);
AZ(VDP_Push(ctx, req->vdc, req->ws,
&vped_to_parent, parent->nexus.req));
(void)VDP_DeliverObj(req->vdc, req->objcore);
/* pesi_buf does not pesi_destroy() on fini */
req->transport_priv = NULL;
vdp = vped_next_vdp(req);
while (vdp != &VDP_pesi_buf) {
vped_close_vdp(req, 0, vdp);
vdp = vped_next_vdp(req);
vped_close_vdp(req, 0, &VDP_pesi_buf);
else if (obj_final) {
VSLdbg(req, "vped_deliver: T_FINAL");
push_vdps(ctx, req, vgzgz, gz);
AZ(VDP_Push(ctx, req->vdc, req->ws,
&vped_to_parent, parent->nexus.req));
node_mutate_prep(tree, node);
node->final.shared_lock = &tree->nodes_lock;
AZ(pthread_cond_init(&node->final.fi_cond, NULL));
assert(node->final.fi_state == FI_READY);
node_mutate_lock(tree, node, T_FINAL, ST_DATA);
* we deliberately take the nodes lock under the tree mutex (via
* node_mutate_lock) to ensure unpending never gets unlocked
* access to ensure we get the signal
if (node->final.fi_state < FI_GO)
assert(node->final.fi_state == FI_GO);
(void)VDP_DeliverObj(req->vdc, req->objcore);
req->acct.resp_bodybytes += VDP_Close(req->vdc);
node->final.fi_state = FI_DONE;
VSLdbg(req, "vped_deliver: T_SUBREQ");
AZ(req->objcore->flags & OC_F_FINAL);
push_vdps(ctx, req, vgzgz, gz);
AZ(VDP_Push(ctx, req->vdc, req->ws,
&vped_to_parent, parent->nexus.req));
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