Display formatted Varnish log contents for client and backend transactions and other logged events.

  • Nils Goroll's avatar
    Use a new regression test log from varnish post 7.3 · 23b1d54d
    Nils Goroll authored
    varnishd now uses 64bit vxids and a new VSL format, with some tags
    I did ponder to write a VSL log converter or come up with some other
    deliverate way to somehow preserve the old log data in a regerssion
    log in the new format.
    But ultimately, it all seemed pretty much wasted effort. Let's just
    start with a new log and regression test future changes.
    I must admit that I only hat a bit of a superficial look at the log
    files, but as we made no changes at all to varnishevent, I do not see
    how they could have changed fundamentally.
    varnish-post-7.3.README.rst cotains information on how the log was
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