Commit 77e6fdc1 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

reset args after init, which now zeroes them

Fixes #3
was actually caused by the fix for #2 (and I failed to recognize this)
parent 638f502d
Pipeline #435 skipped
......@@ -1644,6 +1644,8 @@ static const char
add_hdr(SLT_Timestamp, "Resp", 0);
init_tx_arg(&tx, node, nptr, &args);
args.fld = -1;
args.hdr_idx = -1;
init_hdr_recs(&tx, SLT_Timestamp);
init_rec_chunk(SLT_Timestamp, &rec, &chunk);
set_record_data(&rec, &chunk, TS_RESP_PAYLOAD, SLT_Timestamp);
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