• Nils Goroll's avatar
    Avoid hang when child does not come up, add startup_timeout · bada81bf
    Nils Goroll authored
    When a child did not come up within cli_timeout, varnishd startup
    would hang indefinitely.
    We add startup_timeout specifically for child startup.
    To facilitate the transition, we use the maximum of cli_timeout and
    start_timeout (suggested by Dridi, thank you) and add a tip if
    startup_timeout is not used.
    We avoid the previous harsh exit(1), primarily to make the vtc_varnish
    facility work.
    The test case uses both vtc_varnish and vtc_process to exercise the
    different code paths for implicit startup vs. cli "start".
    Fixes #3940
p00000.vtc 1.09 KB