• Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar
    Don't test gunzip for partial responses · 94a7f427
    Dridi Boukelmoune authored
    Some user agents like Safari may "probe" specific resources like medias
    before getting the full resources usually asking for the first 2 or 11
    bytes, probably to peek at magic numbers to figure early whether a
    potentially large resource may not be supported (read: video).
    If the user agent also advertises gzip support, and the transaction is
    known beforehand to not be cacheable, varnishd will forward the Range
    header to the backend:
        Accept-Encoding: gzip (when http_gzip_support is on)
        Range: bytes=0-1
    If the response happens to be both encoded and partial, the gunzip test
    cannot be performed. Otherwise we systematically end up with a broken
    transaction closed prematuraly:
        FetchError b tGunzip failed
        Gzip b u F - 2 0 0 0 0
    Refs #2530
    Refs #2554
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