lcov: Exclude unreachable-by-design lines

parent 5801823d
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ QUIET = $(QUIET_@AM_V@)
coverage/ gcov
$(AM_V_at)@mkdir $(builddir)/coverage
$(AM_V_GEN) $(LCOV) $(QUIET) -c -d . -o $(builddir)/coverage/
$(AM_V_GEN) $(LCOV) $(QUIET) --config-file $(srcdir)/lcovrc -c -d . -o $(builddir)/coverage/
@echo "================================================="
@echo "You need lcov installed to generate coverage data"
lcov_excl_line = default:|INCOMPL\(\)|WRONG
......@@ -1120,6 +1120,7 @@ const struct vdp VDP_pesi = {
* transport interface
static int v_matchproto_(vtr_minimal_response_f)
vped_minimal_response(struct req *req, uint16_t status)
......@@ -1127,6 +1128,7 @@ vped_minimal_response(struct req *req, uint16_t status)
WRONG("esi:includes should not try minimal responses");
static void v_matchproto_(vtr_reembark_f)
vped_reembark(struct worker *wrk, struct req *req)
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