Commit 3ef1f864 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

add the %{pvxid}x formatter

parent 342756c9
......@@ -735,7 +735,6 @@ format_vxid(const tx_t *tx, const arg_t *args, char **s, size_t *len)
*len = strlen(*s);
#if 0
format_pvxid(const tx_t *tx, const arg_t *args, char **s, size_t *len)
......@@ -744,7 +743,6 @@ format_pvxid(const tx_t *tx, const arg_t *args, char **s, size_t *len)
*s = scratch;
*len = strlen(*s);
static void
add_fmt(const compiled_fmt_t *fmt, struct vsb *os, unsigned n,
......@@ -1138,6 +1136,9 @@ compile_fmt(char * const format, compiled_fmt_t * const fmt,
else if (strncmp(fname, "vxid", 4) == 0) {
add_formatter(fmt, os, n, format_vxid);
else if (strncmp(fname, "pvxid", 5) == 0) {
add_formatter(fmt, os, n, format_pvxid);
else {
sprintf(err, "Unknown format starting at: %s", fname);
return 1;
......@@ -104,3 +104,4 @@ formatter_f format_VCL_Log;
formatter_f format_SLT;
formatter_f format_vxid;
formatter_f format_pvxid;
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ rm -f $LOG $OUT
../varnishevent -f varnishevent.conf -r sw-doc.log -w $OUT -v
CKSUM=$( cksum $OUT )
if [ "$CKSUM" != "481068350 22573437 $OUT" ]; then
if [ "$CKSUM" != "1773971926 22636057 $OUT" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Regression test log output incorrect cksum: $CKSUM"
exit 1
......@@ -1340,20 +1340,27 @@ static const char
static const char
tx_t tx;
arg_t args;
char *str;
size_t len;
printf("... testing format_vxid()\n");
printf("... testing format_vxid() and format_pvxid()\n");
tx.vxid = 4711;
tx.pvxid = 1147;
format_vxid(&tx, &args, &str, &len);
MASSERT(strncmp(str, "4711", 4) == 0);
MASSERT(len == 4);
str = NULL;
len = 0;
format_pvxid(&tx, &args, &str, &len);
MASSERT(strncmp(str, "1147", 4) == 0);
MASSERT(len == 4);
return NULL;
......@@ -1392,6 +1399,7 @@ static const char
tx.magic = TX_MAGIC;
tx.occupied = 1;
tx.vxid = 4711;
tx.pvxid = 1147;
for (int i = 0; i < NRECS; i++) {
recs[i] = (logline_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(logline_t));
......@@ -1452,7 +1460,7 @@ static const char
"%t %T %{%F-%T.%i}t %U %u %{Varnish:time_firstbyte}x "\
"%{Varnish:hitmiss}x %{Varnish:handling}x %{VCL_Log:baz}x "\
"%{tag:VCL_acl}x %{tag:Debug}x %{tag:Timestamp:Req}x "\
"%{tag:ReqAcct[0]}x %{tag:Timestamp:Resp[2]}x %{vxid}x"
"%{tag:ReqAcct[0]}x %{tag:Timestamp:Resp[2]}x %{vxid}x %{pvxid}x"
strcpy(config.cformat, FULL_CLIENT_FMT);
status = FMT_Init(err);
VMASSERT(status == 0, "FMT_Init: %s", err);
......@@ -1499,7 +1507,7 @@ static const char
" HTTP/1.1 200 "\
"[%d/%b/%Y:%T %z] 0 %F-%T.529143 /foo varnish 0.000166 hit hit "\
"logload MATCH ACL \"\"/8 \"foo\\0\\377 bar\" " \
"1429213569.602005 0.000000 0.000000 60 0.000125 4711\n"
"1429213569.602005 0.000000 0.000000 60 0.000125 4711 1147\n"
tm = localtime(&t);
MAN(strftime(strftime_s, BUFSIZ, EXP_FULL_CLIENT_OUTPUT, tm));
VMASSERT(strcmp(VSB_data(os), strftime_s) == 0, "'%s' != '%s'",
......@@ -1512,7 +1520,7 @@ static const char
#define FULL_BACKEND_FMT "%b %d %D %H %h %I %{Foo}i %{Bar}o %l %m %O %q %r %s "\
"%t %T %{%F-%T.%i}t %U %u %{Varnish:time_firstbyte}x %{VCL_Log:baz}x "\
"%{tag:Fetch_Body}x %{tag:Debug}x %{tag:Timestamp:Bereq}x "\
"%{tag:BereqAcct[5]}x %{tag:Timestamp:Bereq[1]}x %{vxid}x"
"%{tag:BereqAcct[5]}x %{tag:Timestamp:Bereq[1]}x %{vxid}x %{pvxid}x"
strcpy(config.bformat, FULL_BACKEND_FMT);
config.cformat[0] = '\0';
status = FMT_Init(err);
......@@ -1565,7 +1573,7 @@ static const char
" HTTP/1.1 200 "\
"[%d/%b/%Y:%T %z] 0 %F-%T.529143 /foo varnish 0.002837 logload "\
"2 chunked stream \"foo\\0\\377 bar\" "\
"1429210777.728290 0.000048 0.000048 283 0.000048 4711\n"
"1429210777.728290 0.000048 0.000048 283 0.000048 4711 1147\n"
tm = localtime(&t);
MAN(strftime(strftime_s, BUFSIZ, EXP_FULL_BACKEND_OUTPUT, tm));
VMASSERT(strcmp(VSB_data(os), strftime_s) == 0, "'%s' != '%s'",
......@@ -1673,7 +1681,7 @@ static const char
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
monitor.interval = 0
cformat=%b %d %D %H %h %I %{Host}i %{Connection}i %{User-Agent}i %{X-Forwarded-For}i %{Accept-Ranges}o %{Age}o %{Connection}o %{Content-Encoding}o %{Content-Length}o %{Content-Type}o %{Date}o %{Last-Modified}o %{Server}o %{Transfer-Encoding}o %{Via}o %{X-Varnish}o %l %m %O %q %r %s %t %{%F-%T}t %U %u %{Varnish:time_firstbyte}x %{Varnish:hitmiss}x %{Varnish:handling}x %{tag:Begin}x %{tag:Debug}x %{tag:End}x %{tag:Gzip}x %{tag:Hit}x %{tag:Length}x %{tag:Link}x %{tag:ReqAcct}x %{tag:ReqStart}x %{tag:RespProtocol}x %{tag:ReqMethod}x %{tag:ReqURL}x %{tag:ReqProtocol}x %{tag:RespReason}x %{tag:RespStatus}x %{tag:Timestamp:Req}x %{tag:ReqAcct[5]}x %{tag:Timestamp:Req[2]}x %{vxid}x
cformat=%b %d %D %H %h %I %{Host}i %{Connection}i %{User-Agent}i %{X-Forwarded-For}i %{Accept-Ranges}o %{Age}o %{Connection}o %{Content-Encoding}o %{Content-Length}o %{Content-Type}o %{Date}o %{Last-Modified}o %{Server}o %{Transfer-Encoding}o %{Via}o %{X-Varnish}o %l %m %O %q %r %s %t %{%F-%T}t %U %u %{Varnish:time_firstbyte}x %{Varnish:hitmiss}x %{Varnish:handling}x %{tag:Begin}x %{tag:Debug}x %{tag:End}x %{tag:Gzip}x %{tag:Hit}x %{tag:Length}x %{tag:Link}x %{tag:ReqAcct}x %{tag:ReqStart}x %{tag:RespProtocol}x %{tag:ReqMethod}x %{tag:ReqURL}x %{tag:ReqProtocol}x %{tag:RespReason}x %{tag:RespStatus}x %{tag:Timestamp:Req}x %{tag:ReqAcct[5]}x %{tag:Timestamp:Req[2]}x %{vxid}x %{pvxid}x
bformat=%b %d %D %H %h %I %{Accept-Encoding}i %{Host}i %{User-Agent}i %{X-Forwarded-For}i %{X-Varnish}i %{Accept-Ranges}o %{Connection}o %{Content-Encoding}o %{Content-Length}o %{Content-Type}o %{Date}o %{ETag}o %{Last-Modified}o %{Server}o %{Transfer-Encoding}o %{Vary}o %l %m %O %q %r %s %t %{%F-%T}t %U %u %{Varnish:time_firstbyte}x %{tag:Backend}x %{tag:BackendOpen}x %{tag:BackendClose}x %{tag:BackendReuse}x %{tag:Begin}x %{tag:BereqAcct}x %{tag:Length}x %{tag:BerespProtocol}x %{tag:BerespReason}x %{tag:BerespStatus}x %{tag:BereqProtocol}x %{tag:BereqMethod}x %{tag:BereqURL}x %{tag:Debug}x %{tag:End}x %{tag:Timestamp:Bereq}x %{tag:BereqAcct[5]}x %{tag:Timestamp:Bereq[2]}x %{vxid}x
bformat=%b %d %D %H %h %I %{Accept-Encoding}i %{Host}i %{User-Agent}i %{X-Forwarded-For}i %{X-Varnish}i %{Accept-Ranges}o %{Connection}o %{Content-Encoding}o %{Content-Length}o %{Content-Type}o %{Date}o %{ETag}o %{Last-Modified}o %{Server}o %{Transfer-Encoding}o %{Vary}o %l %m %O %q %r %s %t %{%F-%T}t %U %u %{Varnish:time_firstbyte}x %{tag:Backend}x %{tag:BackendOpen}x %{tag:BackendClose}x %{tag:BackendReuse}x %{tag:Begin}x %{tag:BereqAcct}x %{tag:Length}x %{tag:BerespProtocol}x %{tag:BerespReason}x %{tag:BerespStatus}x %{tag:BereqProtocol}x %{tag:BereqMethod}x %{tag:BereqURL}x %{tag:Debug}x %{tag:End}x %{tag:Timestamp:Bereq}x %{tag:BereqAcct[5]}x %{tag:Timestamp:Bereq[2]}x %{vxid}x %{pvxid}x
log.file = test.log
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ echo "... -g vxid"
CKSUM=$( ../varnishevent -g vxid -r sw-doc.log -f varnishevent.conf | cksum)
# Same as default (no -g arg)
if [ "$CKSUM" != '1569412425 22573475' ]; then
if [ "$CKSUM" != '1162093504 22636095' ]; then
echo "ERROR: -g vxid unexpected cksum: $CKSUM"
exit 1
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ fi
echo "... -g request"
CKSUM=$( ../varnishevent -g request -r sw-doc.log -f varnishevent.conf | cksum)
if [ "$CKSUM" != '157371635 22573475' ]; then
if [ "$CKSUM" != '2524911127 22637823' ]; then
echo "ERROR: -g request unexpected cksum: $CKSUM"
exit 1
......@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ event(struct VSL_data *vsl, struct VSL_transaction * const pt[], void *priv)
tx->type = t->type;
tx->vxid = t->vxid;
tx->pvxid = t->vxid_parent;
if (tx->type == VSL_t_raw)
tx->t = VTIM_real();
......@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ typedef struct tx_t {
unsigned magic;
#define TX_MAGIC 0xff463e42
int32_t vxid;
int32_t pvxid;
linehead_t lines;
VSTAILQ_ENTRY(tx_t) freelist;
VSTAILQ_ENTRY(tx_t) spscq;
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