1. 12 Apr, 2021 9 commits
  2. 11 Apr, 2021 2 commits
  3. 10 Apr, 2021 2 commits
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      varnishadm: use the -t argument as the timeout · 7c3db3fe
      Nils Goroll authored
      We used the -t argument only for the VSM attach, not for the actual CLI
      I do not think the complication of differentiated timeouts is justified,
      so just use the one timeout parameter we have for both. Also I think
      that the documentation is already adequate in its simplicity:
             -t timeout
                    Wait no longer than this many seconds for an operation to
      Fixes #3542
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      vcc: Track the built-in subs which static calls originate from · cf9548ef
      Nils Goroll authored
      We use another "method" bitmask to record the built-in subs from which
      static calls originate.
      This allows us to indentify those subs which are called from
      housekeeping only, allowing us to selectively disable compiler
      VGC diff for the example from
      @@ -2242,7 +2278,7 @@
       #define END_ if (*ctx->handling) return
      -void v_matchproto_(vcl_func_f)
      +void v_dont_optimize v_matchproto_(vcl_func_f)
       VGC_function_a(VRT_CTX, enum vcl_func_call_e call,
           enum vcl_func_fail_e *failp)
      Fixes #3545
  4. 06 Apr, 2021 2 commits
  5. 02 Apr, 2021 1 commit
  6. 01 Apr, 2021 1 commit
  7. 31 Mar, 2021 2 commits
  8. 30 Mar, 2021 4 commits
  9. 29 Mar, 2021 13 commits
  10. 27 Mar, 2021 4 commits
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      Silence gcc strict aliasing warnings where vtree.h is used · 599b183d
      Nils Goroll authored
      Please relace the vtree.h #pragma change of this commit with a better
      solution once you have one.
      777e03ba had the disadvantage that it
      requires all vmods to adjust their build, besides affecting more code
      than necessary.
      Under the assumption that the issue with VRBT is not acutally a
      violation of strict aliasing, but rather only a violation of gcc's
      pedantic "compatible lvalue rule", we silence gcc warnings rather than
      turning off strict aliasing.
      Note that this is more convenient, but also more dangerous, because we
      fail to catch any actual strict aliasing errors where vtree.h is used.
      This reverts commit 777e03ba.
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      vcc_acl: centralize acl_e copying · 2cf57b2e
      Nils Goroll authored
      Move the address strdup() to where the acl_e is allocated.
      This plugs an utterly insignificant leak for error returns from
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      vcc_acl: flexelint^2 · 47489373
      Nils Goroll authored
      Apologies for the slight back and forth, but I now think this is a
      better way to make clear to flexelint that we either keep an allocated
      acl_e or not.
      This partly undoes changes from bf854df6
      To review, I recommend diff'ing to a3664ead
      Ref aff516b7
    • Nils Goroll's avatar
      vcc_acl: flexelint · bf854df6
      Nils Goroll authored
      Ref aff516b7